WEF Davos 2025 – More Grotesque Than Ever. Robotizing and Depopulating. Peter Koenig


by Peter Koenig, Global Research:

The usual World Economic Forum (WEF) show that captures and dominates all of Davos for a week starts on Monday, 20 January and lasts until Friday, 24 January. It is an ever-increasing nuisance for the population of Davos, an otherwise lovely winter resort place, converted every year into a high-end bordello – for the little carnal pleasures of the rich and famous attending the WEF glamour show.

This year, the elite participants are to be protected and defended from illusionary terror attacks by nothing less than Swiss Army fighter jets. BRAVO!

The 2025 Davos Forum will run under the theme of ‘Collaboration for the Intelligent Age’, which will encompass five “distinct but highly interconnected thematic priorities”, the WEF says on its website.

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  • Rebuilding trust
  • Reimagining growth
  • Investing in people
  • Safeguarding the planet, and
  • Industries in the intelligent age

All of that could easily be summarized in how to robotize humanity – except, of course, the crème of the crop. The elite, those who attend this fiasco show, have nothing to worry. They will remain untouched from the dehumanization process. Unless of course, they fall out of line and favors with their erstwhile Masters. Then their punishment may be severe.

Primarily, it is the plebs they want to reduce, control, and enslave – those that survive this entire dehumanization process.

Reducing means continuing promoting the climate change hoax that kills agriculture, causes famine, diseases, and death; and simultaneously, inventing viruses that require kill-shot vaxxes and death.

Add to this the fully biometric control with digital ID’s and digital vaxx certificates.

This is all shoved under the roof of the sacrosanct United Nations (UN), which during the last few decades has become utterly corrupt and sold to the dark monsters, alias, Deep State, also called the Men in Black with Red Ties.

They would delegate to Mr. Tedros, Director-General of the WHO, powers to decide over health, disease, and death of the 193 UN member nations.

Let us repeat this point: depopulating, robotizing, enslaving and digitally controlling the survivors, is confining the populus into a Digital Gulag.

Do not be fooled, ‘Collaboration for the Intelligent Age’ is code lingo for Digital Gulag.

They will never achieve it.

We, the People, MUST act and be part of this non-violent but active resistance: ignoring what they are doing, shedding fear from our minds and souls, no hatred, be self-assured, as our mind is the most powerful asset each one of us has. Imagine the collective power of eight billion people!

Maybe that is why security is the WEF’s biggest concern this year. More than ever, so-called “terror attacks” is what they fear most, even false flags would do to keep the lies flying.

In an interview a couple of days ago, the Davos police chief answered a journalist’s question why this year the Swiss Army even put fighter jets at disposal of the WEF’s protection. The Police officer said something to the effect, that this year the security system had to be enhanced because of increased terror threats and for the protection of prominent personalities. He mentioned some hundred heads of states attending [not much different from other years].

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