US Deep State: Its Roots, Tools and Enablers


from Sputnik News:

The “deep state”, never part of the Founding Fathers’ design, has turned US democracy into fiction, former US assistant treasury secretary and renowned economist Dr Paul Craig Roberts says. What does he mean?
The deep state, described by US political scientist Francis Fukuyama as a network of “unaccountable professional bureaucrats,” is really a far more extensive entity.


According to Dr Roberts, it encompasses not only bureaucrats but also elected officials, Wall Street, major corporations and even foreign government lobbyists.
The modern-day Leviathan is deeply embedded within the structure of the US government, with professional bureaucrats serving merely as pawns in the games of their overlords, the economist says. But the game begins long before governance — it starts at the very phase of elections.

He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune

Behind the façade of democracy in the US, voters can only choose from candidates approved by the establishment or the ruling elite, argues Dr Roberts.
“The power that the Constitution gave to individuals now belongs to interest groups that determine elections with campaign contributions,” the former assistant treasury secretary in Ronald Reagan’s government stresses.

“In the United States elected representatives at all levels of government up to and including the President cannot represent the interests of the people or of the country as a whole because they are dependent for their election to office on campaign contributions,” writes Dr Roberts.

He explains that as a result, elected representatives are beholden to the individuals and interest groups who funded and supported them.
Those include the influential Israel lobbyarms manufacturersintelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, agribusiness corporations, Wall Street and others, all of whom provide funding and favorable publicity to those they help elect.
Intelligence agencies also occasionally provide staged false flag events to give a candidate or a policy a boost, he notes.

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