by Richard C. Cook, Global Research:
Before the US entered WWII, a series of studies by the Council on Foreign Relations, subsequently adopted by the Roosevelt administration, declared it to be the policy of the US government to attain total military dominance of the entire world.
In 1991, the Wolfowitz Doctrine introduced a new refinement—that the US would carry out preemptive war against any nation or combination of nations that conceivably could threaten that dominance.
In 2001, around the time of “9/11,” the US declared a further refinement: that of “Full Spectrum Dominance” to assure that no other nation or combination of nations could threaten US supremacy in any sphere of warfare: land, sea, air, space, or cyberspace.
Until the US officially rescinds these serial declarations, they obviously remain in force and determine every other action. Nothing can be allowed by any branch of government to undermine or negate them. All the resources of the nation are subject to diversion or confiscation to cement their power, including every action of every human individual, not only within the US but in every other nation. Even the thoughtof any other possibility is seen as an outlawed act.
We have seen time and again that US force and violence rule the entire globe, not just in theory, but in practice, day in and day out, and all through the night.
Do you doubt this? Look around and look again. Look at all the wars since 1941, all the covert actions, all the assassinations, all the propaganda and subterfuge. Now we even have the military-run COVID pandemic and more pandemics promised to be on the way.
Until a president of the US stands up and challenges all the assumptions on which these tragedies depend, what use is his word on any other topic? Isn’t it all just a crock of sh—?