by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:
In the print and TV media presstitutes have taken their place. The traditional news organizations have been turned into propaganda ministries.
Having been educated in four of the top universities, having been a student of two Nobel prize winners in economics and a student of the distinguished scientist and philosopher Michael Polanyi, having been an academic in top institutions such as Stanford and Georgetown universities, having made scholarly contributions in prestigious scholarly journals over many fields, having been a member of the Congressional staff and a witness to the nitty-gritty, having been involved with President Reagan’s economic policy and his policy to end the Cold War, having been a journalist as Associate Editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, columnist for Business Week, columnist for the Scripps Howard News Service, columnist for Creator’s Syndicate, columnist for French and Italian newspapers, as a businessman with a consulting service and president of a water company, director of a global manufacturing corporation and financial institution, as Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, I have witnessed much.
But when I tell you the truth, people of unknown origin and zero accomplishment say I am a conspiracy theorist, a disinformation artist, an anti-semite, and so on. None of those who call me names have recognizable names. None have any accomplishments except the lies they tell for the ruling establishment.
When I was young, truth had a voice. Over the course of my life I have watched the voice of truth be increasingly throttled. I often wonder why I continue. It is only your support that causes me to continue. No foundations, no corporations contribute to the existence of this website. And, of course, there are no advertisements as adverts give Google control over what can be said on a website.
It is extraordinary that in America there are very few people who care enough to know what is going on. What the convenient news sources to which they are accustomed tell them is going on become the official narratives. The people who tell them what is really going on, such as myself, are “conspiracy theorists.”
Consider the so-called “Covid pandemic” All over the world populations of countries were terrified that they would die unless they had the Covid “vaccine.” We now know that the “vaccine” killed and injured far more people than Covid, and that the Covid deaths are due to wrongful treatment and withholding the Ivermectin and HCQ cures, and to bribes paid to hospitals to report all deaths as Covid deaths. It was a staged show to to create fear and acceptance of an untested “vaccine.” Even today corrupt “medical societies” sponsored by Big Pharma money, are attempting to drive the doctors who saved lives with Ivermectin and HCQ out of the medical profession.
The problem with democracy is that the majority of the population is incapable of comprehending reality. They are insouciant. The Founding Fathers understood this. They limited democracy to male property owners whose economic interest tended to keep them focused on reality.
But over time American males proved to be weak. They acquiesced time and again to progressive reforms that destroyed all prospects of democracy as a viable governing system.
American democracy is so pitiful that it is incapable of defending its own borders. Over the last decade or so 30 million immigrant-invaders have walked across the US border assisted by the US government, many of whom have become part of the American support system’s burden. Taxpayer money that once went for American purposes now goes tor the support of immigrant-invaders.
As 2025 makes its debut, what future will it bring us?
My answers are not predictions, because there is so much of which even the best informed of us are unaware.
Putin and Lavrov so much emphasize their willingness to end the conflict in Ukraine diplomatically that they are likely to turn the Putin-delayed Russian victory into a defeat. This final strategic blunder by Putin will lead either to nuclear war or Putin’s surrender or to Putin’s removal by the Russian Military.
Trump’s Zionist government and Israeli pressure will result in Trump going to war with Iran unless Iran’s progressive new government surrenders. The MAGA Americans have been brainwashed for decades that Iran is America’s enemy, and these brainwashed supporters will egg on Trump who already is being led into war by Israel and his Jewish son-in-law. The war with Iran will become all consuming and will displace in importance all other Trump promised agendas. The swamp will be undisturbed, and the ruling elite will remain in control. Trump’s son-in-law will become a multi-billionaire developing the Israeli-occupied Gaza seacoast as a resort.
In other words, Washington’s Warfare State, which President Eisenhower warned against and President Reagan tried to derail, will continue in operation.
Yes, I know. This is not a happy message for a Happy New Year, but is is s realistic message.
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