The Grift That Has Been Joe Biden


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

We are in the fourth day of Joe Biden’s ex-presidency, and the motorcade taking him back to his mansion in Delaware shrinks in our rearview mirrors. It can’t disappear quickly enough.

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi has written perhaps the definitive article on Biden’s presidential performance, and I lack the talent and insight to write anything better. As Biden shuffles off into the sunset, we should not only remember his performance as he allegedly served as president, but we also should remember (or at least not forget) those who were part of the Big Lie—a collaborative effort of the White House, Democrats in Congress, and, of course, the legacy media.


If there is a word to describe the Biden presidency, it is “incoherent.” Much incoherence came from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but it was more than just an elderly president mumbling and stumbling over words and a sandbag at the Air Force Academy and tripping over steps leading to Air Force One. There was also extraordinarily bad policy at home and abroad, all the while the White House and the legacy media were insisting that we shouldn’t believe our lying eyes.

(When Gerald Ford was president, the media highlighted his every stumble in order to fit the narrative that Ford was a clumsy oaf. However, when Biden tripped—on many occasions—the media insisted it didn’t happen or made excuses.)

Before stepping into the Memory Lane from Hell, we revisit Biden’s 2024 “State of the Union” speech, which was incoherent enough, but the reaction to it from Congressional Democrats and the legacy media was such that one only can conclude they were in on the con. The video linked here very much speaks for itself. The only shocking thing about it is that no one was shocked.

One cannot watch his SOTU speech and think Biden competent, but there they were—politicians and alleged journalists joining together to repeat the talking points (“fiery,” “fire in the belly,” “on fire”) that seemed to be on every establishment news talk show after Biden stopped mumbling and shuffled off the podium. What followed the speech on the news shows was reminiscent of the news spoofs that used to be standard on “Saturday Night Live,” but these folks were trying to convince us that we didn’t see what we saw.

Build Back What?

During his basement campaign in 2020, Biden ran on the slogan, “Build Back Better,” with its accompanying legislation being the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, the American Rescue Plan Act, and the CHIPS and Science Act, which committed the federal government to more than $4 trillion of new spending. This legislation was the classic example of looking for the opposite result of what was in the legislation’s title. As Connor O’Keeffe wrote on this page:

By flooding the economy with so much new cash, the government was able to hide most of the destruction wrought by the lockdowns. And, because of the Fed’s low rates and heavy-handed interventions, the inescapable economic pain was delayed and exacerbated. But as the Biden administration and Federal Reserve learned in 2022, it couldn’t be delayed forever.

Inflation ravaged the American public. But it was only one part of the economic pain the federal government’s economic interventions have locked in. The artificially-low interest rates led businesses to start unsustainable lines of production that make a recession — or market correction — unavoidable.

He added:

In addition to the government’s Covid spending and monetary policy, the Biden Administration’s many interventions in the energy sector, automotive industry, and healthcare field — among others — have reallocated resources into the production of goods and services that consumers don’t actually want. That locks in even more economic pain.

This administration did nothing good on the economic front. and instead tried to emulate the progressive government of California, which is busy burning down that state while trying to regulate the energy companies out of business. Ironically, the energy industry did well during the Biden years, not because of favorable financial and regulatory policies from Biden, but because of factors beyond the administration’s control.

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