“The Golden Age Of America Begins Right Now” Only When MASS ARRESTS Commence


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:


Now that the installed NWO globopedo puppets have finally been removed from the White House, the mass arrests of the Deep State criminals must get under way sooner rather than later, or not only will President Trump’s vital agendas never be fully implemented, but his life will also be under constant threat.

The various Intelligence Industrial Complex psyops to undermine MAGA and MAHA are still very much in play…

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COUP D’ÉTAT ACTIVATED: Deep State Preparing Overthrow Of Incoming Trump Administration

COUP D'ÉTAT ACTIVATED: Deep State Preparing Overthrow Of Incoming Trump Administration

Ever since the Intelligence Industrial Complex was unable to steal a second presidential election in a row, they have been desperately pivoting to their treasonous coup d’état contingency planning phase in order to prevent Trump from acceding to power.

…but in the meantime, President Trump has already delivered on his various promises in absolutely tremendous fashion.

Here are just some of the more impressive actions 45-47 has taken in a matter of hours after being sworn in for a second term as POTUS:

The political prisoners whose 1st Amendment rights were egregiously subverted by the “Biden” regime have been ordered to be set free — this was an important litmus test, and President Trump delivered with great urgency and alacrity:

Free speech looks to have been restored now with the swipe of the pen:

May the “fact checkers” and the Federal government apparatchik censors all learn to code and get real jobs, or better yet, may they all get prosecuted.

Undoing the senile diaper soiling ice cream licking pedo criminal puppet’s executive actions was absolutely crucial:

The PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE scam looks to be getting unwound, at least in America, and we know that the UN along with the Club of Rome are behind all of these 2030 Agenda schemes to starve humanity of resources under the guise of anthropogenic weather:

Read More @ 2ndSmartestGuyintheWorld.com