by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:
What politicians say and do are seldom congruent. They lie. Their supporting agencies lie. We have all come to expect it. So, when Biden’s FBI says the New Orleans fiasco was not a terrorist attack, we can rest assured it was a terrorist attack. Same for the Vegas Trump Tower car bombing. Lies are the main ingredient in propaganda soup.
But should we expect the same from right-wing conservatives who call on our Lord for strength and providence? Unfortunately, we’re getting an unhealthy smattering of truth-twisting from our own public giants, like Donald Trump and Elon Musk.
Truth exists in two worlds: the visible (phenomena) and the invisible (noumena). Every physical law of the universe is truth. It is our reality. We have no choice but to live by and obey these truths, including gravity, a twenty-four-hour day, and aging. Denying them has consequences like jumping out of the basket of a hot air balloon.
Thankfully, one GOP Rep., Victoria Sparta of Indiana, had something truthful to say about Speaker Mike Johnson. Her words called out President Trump, who recently called Johnson “a good, hard-working, religious man.” Good at what? Hard-working for whom? Religious? Gandhi, the Pope, Mao Zedung, Mussolini, and Hitler were religiously devoted to their causes. Trump spoke half-truths. He distorted reality. Not good.
Jesus said we will know Christians by their fruits (or works). Please enlighten me. What suitable work has this religious man Johnson done for Americans? He’s been good at accommodating the Uniparty; he works hard to please them. Rep. Sparta speaks the truth when stating, “Congress has abandoned its constitutional duty to the American people.” And how true ring her words, “We must have a vision and a concrete plan to deliver on President Trump’s agenda for the American people, which I have not seen from our current Speaker despite countless discussions and public promises.” How refreshing is unfettered truth!
This is the kind of naked truth Americans should be hearing from all our illustrious leaders. Can you think of one good fruit Johnson has produced to convince us he is the man for this job? Trump should have spoken his mind openly and honestly. His words ought to have been along these lines: “We need to get things done, and like it or not, we are fighting a wicked domestic enemy in Congress and the Senate. We can’t waste time trying to pick another Speaker, so we should just go with dubious Mike and encourage him to grow a spine!” I could have handled that.
Don’t get me wrong. I fully support President Trump and his America First agenda. We must all endorse Trump and what should now rightly be called his “save America” agenda, which is why I’m sounding the alarm. It’s time we rethink the consequences of truth under fire, regardless from whence it comes. Let us say what we mean and mean what we say.
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