The Assholes Here to Undermine Civilization


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

QUESTION: Why will people not listen to you? You warned that we were turning not to global warming but to cooling and that the reduction of supply of energy would lead to hardship, disease, and war. Here is Britain, the gas company informed us that they are running out of fuel because it has been so cold. You offer historical data to provide the answer. Others provide nothing but wild opinions based on gossip. I am not sure what keeps you going. I supposed if I was ignored, I would say stuff it, you are on your own.




ANSWER: I cannot disagree. It does get frustrating. It reminds me of my favorite cartoon. I moved to Florida (1) with no state income tax and (2) to get closer to real global warming. My father’s law partner had told me to get out of New Jersey and, if I died there, tell my family to drag my body across the river before they told anyone. The politics of Democratic states has destroyed those societies and this will most likely lead to serious civil uprisings, as you will also see in Britain and Europe.

Milgram Looking at Sky

This nonsense of global warming reminds me of Stanley Milgram’s experiments. When he put a a few people on the street and they just stared upward into the sky, a crown would form trying to see what they were looking at. Just one people people would walk by. They were looking for nothing, and that is what has taken place. Gee – it was warmer today than when I was a kid, so we MUST be causing that to happen with fossil fuels. No evidence has EVER been supported. Even Cicero wrote about the pollution in Rome; when you burn wood, you release CO2. The first Clean Water Act was by Justinian I in Constantinople in 535AD.


It is beyond my power to prevent anything –

I am here hopefully to point the way out of the Crash & Burn


Civilization Empires Rise Fall Armstrong

Civilization rises during warm periods and collapses during cold periods. These people are beyond idiots or morons. No word describes their absolute stupidity. My dogs are more intelligent than these people who push this nonsense. We will go through a significant correction in civilization post-2032, like the fall of Rome. These are the assholes that are here to ensure that happens.

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