by Daniela Gonzalez, The Organic Prepper:
We won’t be disserting endlessly about politics and other nonsense in this article.
The facts described below have nothing to do with the standard definition of politics. It’s about how an entire society of millions of people is being subjugated under radical and illegal means of societal control.
We will discuss, instead, the effects of such societal control measures on the daily lives of Venezuelan people and how to deal with them.
The Venezuelan citizens were slowly taught, brainwashed, and induced to be afraid of the uniformed crowd, no matter the color of the uniform, for the last 20 years. It’s not about getting respect. It’s about making them fear the LEOs that should protect them, even if you’re a law-abiding citizen without a transit infraction.
What is the real objective?
In the words of the opposition leader Julio Borges, who warns the world about the real objective of the “peace judges” figure: the reliving of the communist-style political commissary.
Of course, the sugar coating of this poisoned pill is, in the words of the official position:
“With this process, Chavismo promises that justice will be closer to citizens, who without having to go to court, will be able to raise conflicts related to the application of ordinances, domestic or gender violence, animal protection, and property, so that a justice of the peace can proceed to resolve them, through mediation and conciliation…
But experts on the subject warn about the intention of the national government to want to deepen social control in the communities, with political cadres of the PSUV “disguised as judges” who will not impartially dispense justice, in a context of increasing political repression after the presidential elections of July 28.“
This is clearly to spread the word so the regular citizens do not get organized in a militia resistance and start fighting back.
As everybody knows already, the actual rulers lost the past election in July 28th. They’re not democratic people after all, and they tried to manipulate the world’s opinion to make it seem as if the real winner was the bus driver. Twisted version of the facts, that nobody other than the allies of the Axis of Evil bought and defend.
To keep in power, the only tools they have are boots and weapons. Metaphorically speaking.
Let’s see how that works once people decide that enough is enough.
Let’s move on. The following initiative the bus driver and cronies have unfolded is beyond belief.
Currently, they’re recruiting Socialist Party members to “work” as “peace judges” and prosecute the citizens, falsely charging them with “treason to the homeland” and similar “criminal offenses” in a move to spread State-sponsored terrorism.
Official position
The justice of the peace in the South American nation will be “the person to turn to in case of facing a problem.” This ambiguous sentence can have any meaning. Neighbors could accuse a youngster of “being a criminal” only for attending and marching in a demonstration. Then, the repression machinery (working right now with “judges” acting as political commissaries in the Chinese Cultural Revolution)
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