by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:
South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa, of the African National Congress (ANC) party once led by Nelson Mandela, has signed an Expropriation Bill allowing for the seizure of land from white farmers without compensation. South African farmer Theo de Jeger warns the bill gives wide-ranging power “to notoriously corrupt municipal governments to expropriate investors ‘for public interests’ such as land reform and redistribution.”
A statement published on behalf of Ramaphosa explains the legislation will be used to “expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons,” including to “promote inclusivity and access to natural resources.” A majority of South Africa’s farmers hail from the country’s white minority, with most being Dutch-descended Afrikaners.
While the law states that land should not be expropriated “unless the expropriating authority has without success attempted to reach an agreement with the owner or holder of a right in property for the acquisition thereof on reasonable terms,” private property owners will have little leverage if the authorities can simply seize their land without compensation if a deal is not reached.
Zimbabwe, to South Africa’s north, seized white-owned farmland under its late dictator, Robert Mugabe, in the 2000s, with several farmers being murdered and many more displaced. The results were disastrous, with food production in what was once “the breadbasket of Africa” collapsing and commercial farmland losing around 75 percent of its value.
President Donald J. Trump intervened against previous attempts to pass expropriation without compensation laws in South Africa during his first term. “I have asked Secretary of State [Mike Pompeo] to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers,” he wrote in August 2018.
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