by James Perloff, James Perloff:
(Yes, April.) As a rule, I almost never make predictions. It seldom pays. It’s so much easier to be wrong about the future than right. However, a combination of factors—ongoing conditions, significant anniversaries, and past predictions—make me somber concerning this coming April, even though they only constitute circumstantial (indirect) evidence. I won’t blame anyone for laughing it off. And I hope I’m completely wrong.
The Potential for Civil Strife
April is the first “warm season” month. Just as great armies have historically waited for winter’s end to begin campaigns, spring is the ideal time to commence a long period of rioting and violence. January through March is generally too cold for that.
Why do I discuss rioting? Over 10 million illegal immigrants entered the U.S. under Biden. The majority, as in Europe, are young males of military recruiting age. Illegals outnumber the U.S. military six to one. Although I have seen a few MAGA people say on social media that it will be easy to deport them, I can’t agree.
Massachusetts, Colorado, Illinois, New York and other “blue states” have vowed to resist deportation of illegal immigrants by the Trump administration. This portends a very ugly situation that may border on civil war. Will Democratic governors conceal the aliens? Will they order their police—and perhaps even their National Guards—not to cooperate with, or even interfere with, federal authorities?
One can easily imagine a situation comparable to the George Floyd riots of 2020. Backed by George Soros, Black Lives Matter and Antifa might start burning down cities to protest deportations as “racist.” In this, they would probably be joined by many illegal immigrants themselves, who would want to keep all the freebies they get from American taxpayers. The riots might be exacerbated by a “George Floyd” type of incident—such as ICE killing an innocent-looking illegal, with massive coverage by TV networks featuring him (or her) as the “poster child” of deportation’s alleged cruelty.
Other factors might compound the situation. The U.S. deficit keeps soaring, with payments on the debt now the second biggest item in the federal budget—even exceeding defense allocations. As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said during his campaign:
Inflation and job losses are much greater than government reports admit, even though Blackrock and Vanguard have sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average to dizzying new heights.
Debt is a boulder hanging from America’s neck. Paying interest produces nothing—neither goods nor services. Unchecked—as Kennedy noted—interest on the federal debt would eventually rise to 100% of the government budget, meaning no funds would be left for anything else. An economic crash would inevitably occur long before that percentage was reached. Without drastic reforms, a collapse is a foregone conclusion. I mention this in the context of rioting, because a simultaneous economic collapse would significantly exacerbate civil strife.
A few months ago, I met with a friend who is among the best writers I know in alternative media. He has a previous background in U.S. military intelligence. He is also a very devout Christian who has devoted much of his life to charitable work, and is someone whom I trust. I asked him when he thought the economic collapse would occur. He predicted, correctly, that Trump would be elected President, and he believed that the long-awaited crash would occur on his watch so that it could be blamed on “conservatives,” even though it has been a ticking time bomb ever since the 1913 Federal Reserve Act gave the government the means of unlimited spending, debt, and inflation.