Please Do Not Comply With the New Face Mask Orders in These Six States (Both Red and Blue)


by Allan Stevo, Lew Rockwell:

My first media appearance of the year was yesterday.

In it, I pointed out that both California and Wisconsin continue to have policies in place allowing local officials to force mandatory face masks on the most vulnerable.

Yes, five years into this stupidity, I am still talking about how not to wear a face mask. I was sure that when I started writing about the health mandates in February 2020 that they would never come — they were just too ludicrous to fathom. After all, how could anyone be so demented as to shut down a relatively free and functioning society, one of the crown jewels of human achievement? When the lockdowns came in March 2020, I was sure they would last days, certainly not two weeks and certainly not nationally. I was wrong, perhaps even naive. When they kept continuing, I was sure they would be done in months, not years.


have stopped making predictions on the topic, or any topic really. I have recognized that there is much farther we can fall. That it is up to lions like you and me to stop the fall around us.

As the lockdowns and other mandates stretched on, I wrote Face Masks in One Lesson, the guide on how to live life unmasked and still be treated like a VIP.

More was needed, and the pages of became a place where I was able to publish on the topic at length and several times a week. But more was needed.

Therefore, I got a team together and made videos of those posts, in an effort to reach those who like to watch, rather than read. That was successful, but more was needed.

I went out into the mainstream and alternative media with hundreds of radio, television, print, and podcast interviews year after year.

When people refused to believe my claims that face masks are neither safe nor effective, I wrote Face Masks Hurt Kids, to say more about that point. In the book, I give nearly one thousand examples of how unsafe a face mask is to wear.

Yes, a face mask is UNSAFE for you to wear.

And while these hundreds of examples in the book are not exhaustive, and while I, like Bill Gates, am not an MD, I (unlike Bill Gates), lay foundation in the book for why no one should put on a mask or allow a mask worn by doctors, nurses, or even drivers around them until conclusive research on their safety is done.

That still wasn’t enough. In person training was needed to reach some. So, I hosted regular California meetings to teach people in person how not to wear the mask. When it became clear that wasn’t enough, I started driving up and down the left coast encouraging and training activists. But more was needed.

I hosted heroes of the lockdown such as Dr. Simone Gold and Pastor Arthur Pawlowski. I also attended gatherings hosted by others in order to be an encouragement among the circles of people they had around them.

But more was needed, there was a need for daily contact, and interaction that went beyond face-to-face, with room for more involvement, so I put together daily emails intended to encourage and get people more involved.

When that still proved insufficient, I put together the vaccine-free and mask-free online community, Project Pureblood, in which all participants take a no-mask and no-jab vow in order to join.

I live in downtown San Francisco and I practice what I preach. I surrounded myself with as many good people as I could, and found as many good people as I could, and sought to encourage as many good people as I could.

I did not know how to do any of these things five years ago. All I knew was this: IT IS NOT YOUR OPPRESSOR’S FAULT THAT YOU ARE SO OPPRESSIBLE. And I was definitely getting oppressed. So what was I going to do about it?

And don’t kid yourself into taking a leftist way of seeing the world and assuming that I must have come from a position of privilege, or that anyone else comes from a position of privilege that is unmatchable by you. That would just not be consistent with the ups and downs of life for you to take such a stance. Under the same kind of hardship that all the rest of us experience in daily life, I vowed that I would stop being so oppressible. And I vowed to surround myself with people who wished to stop being so oppressible. And I vowed to help others to stop being so oppressible — you, Dear Reader, included.

And many thousands have helped me do that.

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