OPERATION NEW YEAR TERROR: A Spate Of Gladio-Style Terrorist Attacks Racks The USA & Carried Out By……


from State Of The Nation:

First, read this highly informative and  illuminating exposé on OPERATION GLADIO, the military terrorist arm of NATO (aka the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization)

In point of fact, the United States of America has likewise been targeted by a similar nonstop campaign of Gladio-style terrorist attacks since the University of Texas tower shooting on August 1, 1966.  Actually, a strong case could be presented that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the C.I.A. marked the beginning Operation Gladio C in the USA.
TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

While Operation Gladio C was implemented under the rubric of the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization in order for various participating organs of the US government to enjoy plausible deniability of their direct involvement, it’s of paramount importance to correctly understand that the US Intel Community, US Armed Forces, Local Law Enforcement are all proven co-conspirators. See: OPERATION GUN CONTROL: False Flag Mass Shootings And Mass Casualty Events Explained By Insider-Whistleblower

After all, how can all of the complex, convoluted and NECESSARY cover-ups of each and every terror operation be carried out so successfully without the CIA’s Mockingbird Media working 24/7 to constantly deceive the American people about the prime mover behind so many mass casualty events (MCEs)?


Really, how do three major terrorist attacks take place within 24 hours of each on New Year’s Day surrounding except by highly intentional design!

Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co