No J6er Got Justice in Biden’s D.C.


by Jack Cashill, American Thinker:

“I fear that you will get more violence,” said Sen. Lindsay Graham on “Meet the Press” this Sunday. “Pardoning the people who went into the Capitol and beat up a police officer violently I think it was a mistake.”

In so saying, Graham, like so many pundits on the Right, showed how little he knows about what transpired on January 6, 2021, and during the four years afterward. In truth, the one thing all J6ers have in common, including the allegedly violent ones, is that they had no more chance at securing justice in Joe Biden’s D.C. than the Scottsboro Boys had in Jim Crow Alabama.


In 2020, 95 percent of the D.C. citizens voted against Donald Trump. If this jury pool were not poisoned enough, the media lied relentlessly to potential jurors about the insurrection,” about white supremacist” mobs, about cops being murdered” — pick a number of dead cops, 1 to 5.

A change of venue would seem to have been in order, but none was allowed, and the juries lived down to expectations. They acquitted not a single J6er. Knowing the odds against them, hundreds of defendants pleaded guilty to crimes they did not commit — including felony assault.

The Scottsboro Boys at least had the major media and the ACLU on their side, The J6ers had neither. On the first anniversary of January 6, for instance, all 51 ACLU chapters signed on to a letter drafted by the D.C. ACLU about the white supremacists” that invaded the U.S. Capitol. The date was the only thing the ACLU got right:

On January 6 of last year, the residents of D.C. were traumatized as an insurrectionist mob roamed our streets, harassed our neighbors, and violently broke into the Capitol Building, killing at least five people — all in an attempt to overthrow the counting of American citizens’ votes.”

What makes this letter doubly perverse is that the ACLU signees had a fresh memory of what an insurrectionist mob actually looked like. They saw elements of this mob in action over a three-week period that began on May 29, 2020.

On the night of May 29, rioters threw rocks, alcohol, and urine at the Secret Service agents guarding the White House, injuring more than 60 of them. On May 30, rioters defaced the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II Memorial. The next night they looted dozens of businesses and set St. John’s Episcopal Church on fire.

On June 6, insurrectionists painted Defund the Police” on a city street. On June 19, they toppled the statue of Albert Pike and set it on fire. On June 23, they tried to do the same with the Andrew Jackson statue in front of the White House but settled on defacing it before being dispersed. Said the ACLU about these incidents. We will fight government violence against protestors across the country.”

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