Latest “Bird Flu” Psyop


by Robert Malone MD MS, Who Is Robert Malone:

I am expert in influenza, and have consulted with the WHO over the past two decades on the topic of flu vaccines. This is one subject matter I am extremely knowledgeable about. This goes back to my medical school days, when I worked with Robert Lamb, one of the top influenza virus specialists in the world. It extended through much of my career, including my serving as Director of Clinical Influenza Vaccine Research for Solvay Biologicals, in which I oversaw over 200M$ in federal (BARDA) alternative (cell-based) influenza vaccine research funding.


What is happening now with “bird flu” is another psyops campaign being conducted by the administrative/deep state, apparently in partnership with Pharma, against the American people. They know and we know that the “vaccines” being produced will be somewhat ineffective, as all flu “vaccines” are. The government is chasing a rapidly evolving RNA virus with a syringe, just like they did with HIV and C-19.

Generally, the currently circulating avian influenza strain in the US does not include any cases of human-to-human transmission. And the current mortality, with over 60 cases identified, is 0%. NOT 50%.

All the while they are getting prepared to roll out masks, lock-downs, quarantines, etc.

All the while getting ready to roll out mRNA vaccines for poultry and livestock, as well as for all of us.

The more they test, the more “bird flu” (H5N1) they will find. This “pandemic” is nothing more than an artifact of their newly developed protocols to test cattle, poultry, pets, people, and wildlife on a massive scale for avian influenza. In years past, this was not even considered. In the past, the USG did fund a massive testing and surveillance program called “Biowatch”. That program was a colossal failure and a massive waste of money. Billions of dollars.

Of course, these facilities producing the tests have been repurposed from the COVID-19 testing facilities.

Key questions include:

Will we all comply?

Will we be forced to comply?

Will President Trump go along with the PsyWar / psyops campaign again?

We will know soon enough.

As the United States is testing everyone who has even the mildest symptoms for the H5N1 (avian) influenza, guess what – they are finding it! This is what we call in the lab, a “sampling bias.”

Globally, from 1997 until the present, there have been 907 reported cases of H5N1. And in fact, this particular outbreak was not the worst – and it is the only one where a massive testing campaign has occurred. It appears that this is partly due to the new diagnostic capabilities developed and deployed during COVID-19. The more you test, the more you find. But is it clinically significant?

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