Is 666 also the Number of the Universe?


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

QUESTION: Hi Martin,

I am unsure if I have informed you of a little thing I noticed about the ECM a while back that I was recently reminded of and you may find interesting. I’ll keep it simple. The square root of 666 is 25.8069….. / 3 = 8.6023…. coincidence or relation?

I Know it is fractal but are we not in the 6th wave of the 6th wave of the 6th Wave most applicable to us and our time?

It is clear to me rather it is the symptom or the disease that we are trapped in a negative cycle and getting nowhere like a hamster wheel.


The cycle must be broken, perhaps we can at least change the frequency, but how?

Best Regards,


Nero Bust

ANSWER: Very interesting calculation. I know that the number of his name is supposed to be based on the Greek alphabet, in which each letter represents a number. There has been some debate that it was translated in Arabic numerals as 616 (χιϛ), not 666. The Novum Testamentum Graece, a Greek translation, read χιϛ/616 as a variation. Nevertheless, many had interpreted that the number of the beast referred to the Roman Emperor Nero. In several editions of the Bible in Greek, the number is represented by the final three words, ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἕξhexakósioi hexēkonta héx, which does translate to “six hundred [and] sixty-six.”


The one thing that is fundamental in this universe of ours is that everything is fractal. It is always the same structure throughout all time scales. Therefore, if a cycle is VALID, it must be fractal and appear on all levels of time. The 8.6 times 3 is 25.8. The Precession of the equinox is 25,800 years. Not only is 8.6 years equal to the perfect number of Pi * 1,000 days, but every level of time must also conform. Therefore, a super-cycle measured in thousands of years must be a fractal of the lowest level to be valid. Your calculation of the square root of 666 being 25.8069 is fascinating. Does this imply that it should be 666 rather than 616?

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