In the UK And The US, Racial Subgroups Refuse To Address The Criminals Among Them


by Vince Coyner, American Thinker:

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last week (or just living in the UK), you know about the sudden earthquake of activity surrounding the Asian Grooming Gangs (Rape Rings) that have been operating in Britain for more than 25 years. Everyone is referring to them as Asian, but that’s a disservice to 47 out of 48 of the countries in Asia because most of these “Asian” rapists are from just one country, Pakistan. In America, we, too, have a class of people disproportionately responsible for crime: blacks.


In both cases, the vast majority of law-abiding members of those groups refuse to police the problem, instead crying about racism. This is a short term victory that will harm them badly in the long term.

If you’re not familiar with the sordid story, basically, for the last 25 years, Pakistani men have been grooming and raping young white girls. And when I say young, I don’t mean a 16-year-old girl who puts on makeup and purposely tries to pass herself off as 18. No, while that happened, the vast majority of the victims were far younger—11, 13, and sometimes as young as 5 years old. It’s been recently suggested that the total number of victims over that period is more than 250,000. And most of those victims were abused and raped by multiple men, sometimes dozens or more.

Image by Vince Coyner using AI.

The fact that this abuse happened is both revolting and despicable. In a more rational world, a punishment meted out by a machine popularized in 18th century France would be in their future. But, of course, we don’t live in a rational world.

There is an element of this story that is possibly even more contemptible than the abuse itself: The government, the media, and the police worked and continue to work together to keep the lid on the crimes, distract from who was committing the crimes, and manipulate “investigations” and data to obscure the facts while giving unconscionably light sentences to perpetrators.

Here are just a few of the anger-inducing stories that have gone on over the last few years:

A victim who had been abused for years, beginning when she was five, was asked by police if she had “consented” to the sex at any time.

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