How America Got Such an Evil Government


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Practically everyone knows that today’s U.S. has an evil Government. For example, by now, almost everyone recognizes that the U.S./UK invasion and destruction of Iraq that started on 20 March 2003, was based totally on lies that were pushed by George W. Bush and Tony Blair, who knew, at the time, that their evidences to justify the invasion were all fakes but pushed them through to their immensely destructive end. So, it was unmitigated evil. And almost everyone also now recognizes that there is going on in Gaza ever since 16 October 2023 an ethnic cleansing to get rid of all of its 2.3 million residents, and that Israel provides the troops for it while the U.S. Government — U.S. taxpayers — are donating almost all of the weapons and ammunitions to enable it to be done; and, of course, this also is unmitigated evil. And those are just two of a great many examples.


So, how did it all actually start?

There is much talk about America being ruled not by its elected officials but by a “permanent government” or “Deep State,” which stands in the background off-stage, behind them. Who are these people, and when did they take over the country?

There are, by now, scientific studies that have answered this question, and all of them point to America’s being ruled by the megadonors to America’s political campaigns, these being the individuals who are so enormously wealthy that they control not only America’s armaments manufacturers, and news media, and think tanks, and hi-tech industries, and energy corporations, but, also control America’s elected Government officials by means not only of donating more than half of America’s political campaign funding, but also of their controlling the constantly revolving door between Government service and these billionaires’ corporations both profit and ‘non’-profit — including at think tanks, boards of directors, university trustees, lobbying organizations, etcetera. In short, America’s approximately 1,000 billionaires hire and fire, and otherwise control, America’s entire Establishment, including all high Govenment U.S. officials.

Mussolini first propounded this — public-private partnerships, and the privatization of governmental functions — as being not only “fascism” but synonymously “corporationism”, which it is, and the U.S. Government leads it worldwide. Here, then, is how it started to take over the U.S. Government:

The first part of this presentation is the following 28-minute video:

“THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: Operation Sunrise and the Plan for a New Europe [pt. 2]”

It 100% accurately summarizes how Wild Bill Donovan and his subordinate at FDR’s OSS prior to it becoming totally Nazified under Truman’s 1947-created CIA, Allen Dulles, started protecting even prior to the end of WW2 Hitler’s anti-Soviet Intelligence Chief Reinhard Gehlen while keeping this fact hidden from FDR. Starting at 5:17 it says:


The Gehlen case illustrates


the clear revolving door between the Nazi party


and the future framework of Western European security.


I want to highlight


the saving of Reinhard Gehlen here [not only]


to introduce this character


as he will be recurring throughout this series


but also to show the background of the stay-behind [secret Nazi agents in eastern Europe] networks


that would form the backbone of Operation Gladio.


As is so often the case in early CIA history,


Allen Dulles was the architect of this plan.

Part Two: Shell Game


Allen Dulles shared Gehlen’s aspiration


for a separate peace with Nazi Germany [i.e., for Germany to be split in two after WW2 — a Soviet half and an anti-Soviet half]


and would do everything in his power to reach that goal.

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