Green Energy Costs More Than Most Realize


from Moonbattery:

If moonbattery-compliant energy sources like wind and solar made sense economically, Big Government would not need to impose them through regulations and subsidies. Yet we are told that green energy is abundant and cheap relative to politically disfavored fossil fuels. Bjorn Lomborg debunks this lie:

The claim that green energy is cheaper relies on bogus math that measures the cost of electricity only when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. Modern societies need around-the-clock power, requiring backup, often powered by fossil fuels. That means we’re paying for two power systems: renewables and backup. Moreover, as fossil fuels are used less, those power sources need to earn their capital costs back in fewer hours, leading to even more expensive power.


Woke energy is not cheap:

One study shows that in China the real cost of solar power on average is twice as high as that of coal. Similarly, a peer-reviewed study of Germany and Texas shows that solar and wind are many times more expensive than fossil fuels.

Liberals often bleat piously about their sympathy for the poor. Just as often, their foolish policies harm the poor — who are least able to afford more expensive energy.

The canary in the coalmine of green energy moonbattery is Germany, where electricity costs…

…more than twice the U.S. cost and more than three times the Chinese price. Germany has installed so much solar and wind that, on sunny and windy days, renewable energy satisfies close to 70% of Germany’s needs—a fact the press eagerly reports. But the press hardly mentions dark and still days, when these renewables deliver almost nothing.

A nation cannot compete economically without affordable and reliable energy. This ranks prominently among the ways moonbattery is causing Germany to slide into decline.

Democrats would have the USA following close behind:

Solar and wind credits cost the federal government more than $20 billion in 2024, supplemented by state subsidies. Texas received about $2 billion in federal subsidies last year, and state government subsidies at least tripled that cost. This suggests a total hidden cost for the entire U.S. that perhaps runs more than $60 billion annually, implying that the actual cost of electricity with solar and wind is far higher than stated prices.

What do we get for our money? Unless you believe this nonsense will perceptibly improve the weather (it won’t), the answer is absolutely nothing.

Imagine if a strange religious sect took control and devoted a large and ever-increasing percentage of our wealth to the construction of a golden staircase into the heavens so that Jesus could descend. Many would object, including Christians. Yet we submit to the ecomoonbat equivalent — namely, the green energy “transition,” whereby true believers aspire to perfect the weather.

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