Ghostwriters, hot lots and hidden truths: The Pfizer vaccine scandal that demands accountability


by Willow Tohi, Natural News:

    • A Danish study revealed that certain early batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine were associated with significantly higher rates of adverse events, including deaths, leading to questions about transparency and accountability.
  • The study faced swift criticism, with prominent epidemiologist Anders Hviid dismissing it as “FRAUD or incompetence,” and Pfizer and regulatory agencies referencing a critique by a 23-year-old Spanish student, Borja Somovilla del Saz.


    • Analysis of Somovilla del Saz’s background and writing style suggests he may be a ghostwriter for the pharmaceutical industry, as his earlier works focused on unrelated topics and his later critiques employed polished academic language.
    • The Danish study is not an isolated case, with independent studies in the Czech Republic and Sweden confirming similar findings, and Pfizer’s internal safety report flagging the same problematic batches.
    • The Pfizer vaccine batch scandal highlights systemic issues in manufacturing, quality control and regulatory oversight, emphasizing the need for transparency, accountability and rigorous inquiry to maintain public trust in public health institutions.

In the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, a troubling narrative has emerged — one of corporate influence, regulatory failures and the silencing of dissent. At the center of this storm is Pfizer, a pharmaceutical giant whose COVID-19 vaccine has been both hailed as a miracle and scrutinized for its safety. Recent revelations about “hot lots” — deadly batches of vaccines linked to disproportionate adverse events — have raised alarming questions about transparency, accountability and the role of ghostwriters in shaping public perception.

The Danish study and the pushback

In 2023, a Danish research group published a groundbreaking statistical analysis revealing that certain early batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were associated with significantly higher rates of adverse events, including deaths. The study, led by Vibeke Maniche, identified “blue batches” that accounted for just 4% of doses but were linked to 50% of vaccine-related deaths. These batches were withdrawn after only 80,000 doses—far fewer than the standard batch size of one million doses.

The findings were met with swift and aggressive criticism. Anders Hviid, a prominent epidemiologist, dismissed the study as “FRAUD or incompetence” within minutes of its publication on Twitter. Hviid pressured journal editors to retract the paper, but the authors successfully defended their work.

Enter Borja Somovilla del Saz, a 23-year-old computer science student from Spain. Somovilla del Saz penned a critique arguing that the higher adverse event rates in early batches were due to their distribution to high-risk populations, such as healthcare workers and the elderly. His paper was quickly referenced by Pfizer-BioNTech and the Paul Ehrlich Institut (PEI), Germany’s regulatory agency for vaccines.

But who is Borja Somovilla del Saz? A closer examination of his background and writing style reveals inconsistencies that suggest he may be a ghostwriter for the pharmaceutical industry.

The ghostwriter hypothesis

Somovilla del Saz’s sudden emergence as a critic of vaccine safety studies is suspicious. His earlier publications, written in Spanish, focused on unrelated topics like LGBTQ+ rights and abortion. It wasn’t until late 2022—after the global vaccine debate had already peaked—that he began publishing critiques of COVID-19 vaccine studies. His first English-language paper followed Aseem Malhotra’s high-profile critique of mRNA vaccines, suggesting a reactionary motive.

His writing style also raises red flags. Earlier works, such as his 2021 “Response to,” feature informal language and frequent grammatical errors. In contrast, his later critiques employ polished academic language, complete with formal use of articles and the Oxford comma. These inconsistencies suggest the involvement of external parties in crafting his critiques.

Ghostwriting is not uncommon in the pharmaceutical industry. Companies often use third parties to deliver messages that align with their interests, particularly in contentious areas like vaccine safety. The timing and tone of Somovilla del Saz’s critiques, combined with his lack of expertise in epidemiology, point to a coordinated effort to discredit independent research.

Unanswered questions and systemic failures

The Danish study is not an isolated case. A Czech Republic study independently confirmed the findings, identifying significant overlaps in problematic batches. Swedish data, though pending, is expected to validate these results. Even Pfizer’s internal safety report flagged the same nine batches among the 20 most problematic for adverse events.

Yet, regulatory authorities have failed to provide clear explanations. The Paul Ehrlich Institut claimed that adverse event reports correlated with doses given but did not clarify whether early batches were included in their analysis. The Danish Medicines Agency attributed the outliers to heightened reporting by healthcare workers and the elderly—a claim that does not hold up under scrutiny.

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