Elon Musk Busts British Muslim Grooming Gang Cover-up Wide Open


by Selwyn Duke, The New American:

It was a shocking revelation. U.K. authorities ignored a child-trafficking ring — and the beating, terrorizing, and sexual abuse of native British girls — for 16 years. It was for a very troubling reason, too:

The perpetrators were Muslim.

In fact, one whistleblower was actually warned, “You must never [again] refer to Asian [Muslim] men,” and your “awareness of ethnic issues” needs to be raised. Why, she was even forced into “diversity training.”

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That was 11 years ago, and The New American and other sources reported on the scandal at the time. But with the politically correct and then-more powerful mainstream media giving the story short shrift, it had no legs. And some British authorities were surely relieved and happy it was behind them. It was, too.

That is, until just the other day, when Elon Musk learned of it and embarked on an X-platform information rampage. It’s a testimonial to the new media’s power and the significance of Musk’s purchase of X. For if X were still Twitter and controlled by the Twitter twits, the story would’ve stayed buried.

Government Complicit in Child Rape

For some background, here’s what I related at The New American on August 29, 2014, quoting The Associated Press:

About 1,400 children were sexually exploited in a northern England town, a report concluded Tuesday….

Report author Alexis Jay cited appalling acts of violence between 1997 and 2013 in Rotherham, a town of some 250,000.

… The report described rapes by multiple perpetrators, mainly from Britain’s Pakistani community, and how children were trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated.

“There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns [by the way, how’s that “gun control” working out, Britain?], made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone,” Jay said. “Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.”

As already mentioned, making this worse was that pusillanimous authorities ignored the crimes, fearful of inflaming the Muslim community and of the “racism” label.

Indifference Enables Iniquity

Yet the story didn’t end there. As commentator Andrea Widburg reported yesterday:

As time went by, it became clear that the grooming wasn’t limited to Rotherham. In one town and city after another across Britain (although mostly in the North and the Midlands), the same pattern was revealed: Muslims were horrifically exploiting non-Muslim British children while the authorities deliberately turned a blind eye.

The past might have stayed in the past were it not for Elon Musk, who became aware of a debate on X about Muslim immigration to the UK. The debate started by talking about Muslim immigration generally, with a leftist saying it worked wonderfully and Sam Bidwell, a conservative, giving chapter and verse about its failures. In that tweet, he said, “We still have dozens of towns which bear the scars of Pakistani grooming gangs, who targeted young girls because they were white.”

Naturally, a leftist challenged him to name those “dozens” of towns. Bidwell obliged with a list of 20 towns (and commenters added more), and Elon Musk took notice:

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