Deep State In A Panic Over President Trump Revoking 50-Plus Security Clearances And Investigating ‘Additional Inappropriate Activity’ For ‘Disciplinary Action’


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

While the flurry of Executive Actions signed by President Trump have garnered a lot of attention, rightly so in my opinion, as he works to undo as much damage done by the Biden regime as fast as possible, one specific order dropped the hammer on the “Deep State,” “shadow government,” or whatever else you prefer to call it.

These are people that have been in the “game” for their whole careers, using their national security clearance to offer supposedly “authoritative” takes on national and global events, on television to influence the opinion of ordinary Americans.

They run things behind the scenes by creating the “official narratives,” that the media then dutifully rushes to report as if their “security clearances” gave them some special insight and authority.


The problem is they didn’t use their special security clearances to inform the public, but rather to misinform the American people.  They literally went on national television and deliberately spread fake news in order to control the narrative, and to interfere in U.S. federal elections. Their purpose was to control the masses, to usurp Americans political believes and to replace them with the “Deep State’s.”


The EO explains why President Trump was stripping 51 former members of the intel community of their security clearances, meaning they will no longer be allowed access to national security intelligence.

To remedy these abuses of the public trust, this Order directs the revocation of any active or current security clearances held by:  (i) the former intelligence officials who engaged in misleading and inappropriate political coordination with the 2020 Biden presidential campaign; and (ii) John R. Bolton.

The misleading information was telling the American people, and warning tech giants that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation so they would censor the story, which they did, which turned out to be false in and of itself, since we later saw even the MSM admitting it was real, after the election, when it made no difference because the election was over.

Section 1.  Purpose.  In the closing weeks of the 2020 Presidential campaign, at least 51 former intelligence officials coordinated with the Biden campaign to issue a letter discrediting the reporting that President Joseph R. Biden’s son had abandoned his laptop at a computer repair business.  Signatories of the letter falsely suggested that the news story was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Many will know a few of the names on the list of most of those that are going to have their security clearances pulled.

(1)  James R. Clapper Jr.

(2)  Michael V. Hayden

(3)  Leon E. Panetta

(4)  John O. Brennan

(5)  C. Thomas Fingar

(6)  Richard H. Ledgett Jr.

(7)  John E. McLaughlin

(8)  Michael J. Morell

(9)  Michael G. Vickers

(10) Douglas H. Wise

(11) Nicholas J. Rasmussen

(12) Russell E. Travers

(13) Andrew Liepman

(14) John H. Moseman

(15) Larry Pfeiffer

(16) Jeremy B. Bash

(17) Rodney Snyder

(18) Glenn S. Gerstell

(19) David B. Buckley

(20) Nada G. Bakos

(21) James B. Bruce

(22) David S. Cariens

(23) Janice Cariens

(24) Paul R. Kolbe

(25) Peter L. Corsell

(26) Roger Z. George

(27) Steven L. Hall

(28) Kent Harrington

(29) Don Hepburn

(30) Timothy D. Kilbourn

(31) Ronald A. Marks

(32) Jonna H. Mendez

(33) Emile Nakhleh

(34) Gerald A. O’Shea

(35) David Priess

(36) Pamela Purcilly

(37) Marc Polymeropoulos

(38) Chris Savos

(39) Nick Shapiro

(40) John Sipher

(41) Stephen B. Slick

(42) Cynthia Strand

(43) Greg Tarbell

(44) David Terry

(45) Gregory F. Treverton

(46) John D. Tullius

(47) David A. Vanell

(48) Winston P. Wiley

(49) Kristin Wood

(50) John R. Bolton

This does a number of things starting with breaking a power structure of a group of former intel members, who have been controlling things behind the scenes for decades.

This also takes away the presumption that these people have any worthy information to peddle, or misrepresent, on liberal “news” programs, or with BS letters like the one signed by the 51 lying former intel officials about Hunter Biden’s laptop, because legally they will no longer have any access to sensitive intelligence or classified information.

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