Clownish Biden Warns of ‘Oligarchy’ – In a Sense He’s Right, But He’s a F**king Hypocrite


by Raheem Kassam, The National Pulse:

In a farewell address on Wednesday (boo hoo, so sad), Joe Biden suddenly found himself concerned by what he deems an emerging American “oligarchy,” primarily influenced by tech billionaires.

The warning would actually be fairly well received, were it not so risible coming from a man who only found himself in the Oval Office office due to an actual existing oligarchy that controlled the courts, the media, the culture, and the education system.


Indeed, this website has urged caution against the influence of tech billionaires in politics, but their proliferation is a direct consequence of the rabid left’s repeated successes in running the nation into the ground. Just a few weeks ago, Biden himself awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to globalism’s primus inter pares, György Schwartz, also known as George Soros.

For the uninitiated, “oligarchies” are defined as small groups that exercise outsized influence or control over the government.

Biden’s warning was hilariously lauded by a corporate media that finds itself at the precipice of annihilation, with the once-powerful Washington Post reduced to paltry traffic numbers, and whose owner, Jeff Bezos, is not so much kissing the ring of the incoming Trump administration as he is ravenously lapping the underside of Trump’s boots.

Between Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and the aforementioned Bezos, there are, of course, serious considerations for the Make America Great Again (MAGA) base, especially in light of the recent H1-B visa blow-up.

But for Biden to be the messenger of such warnings – especially having leveraged Zuckerberg’s platform, as well as the wide reach of Google (and YouTube), old Twitter (now X), and indeed “fact checkers” who worked side-by-side with the Chinese Communist Party – diminishes its impact.

For those on the left who continue to reject the notion that they are approaching their turn as the “outsiders,” trust me, your January 6th is coming. And the precedent you already set will be built upon, not rejected.

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