Bill Gates Calls for ‘Death Panels’ to Euthanize Citizens Not ‘Worthy of Healthcare’


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

As nations around the world push to introduce and expand liberal euthanasia laws, the plans are sounding eerily similar to the “assisted suicide” agenda billionaire Bill Gates has been promoting for several years.

The Microsoft co-founder argues that it is not cost-effective to provide individuals with long-term healthcare.

Instead, Gates believes his fellow human beings should be euthanized to reduce healthcare costs so that the money that would have been used for treatments can be spent elsewhere.


In 2010, Gates weighed up the cost of keeping “terminally ill” Americans alive versus paying for teachers’ salaries.

Gates lamented that Americans are unwilling to question if spending money on people in “the last three months” of their lives was cost-effective.

He suggested there wasn’t a benefit in end-of-life care and a decision should be made to end people’s lives instead of providing costly palliative care.

He argued that a panel of bureaucrats should decide whether a person deserves to receive treatment, with those who are not “worthy of healthcare” being euthanized by the government to save money.

“That’s called the ‘death panel’,” he said of the group who would decide whether people get to live or die.

Gates made the remarks during an interview at an Aspen Ideas Festival in 2010.

He said that the United States must get medical costs under control and re-examine its funding priorities to prevent its education system from further erosion.

The globalist billionaire said medical costs are dominating state and federal budgets in the form of Medicare and other payments, and fewer funds are available for education.

However, Gates failed to note that reducing government waste by ending the funding of foreign wars, securing the border, gutting federal bureaucracy, and reducing financial commitments to globalist organizations such as the United Nations and NATO could save far more money than the cost of treating sick Americans.

Of course, saving money through government efficiency doesn’t align with the eugenics agenda of Gates and his depopulationist allies.

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