Biden Sues City for Not Electing Enough Hispanics


from Moonbattery:

If Hispanics assimilate and regard themselves first and foremost as Americans, they cannot be deployed as part of the cultural Marxist coalition to tear the country to pieces. So the Biden Regime is suing Hazleton, Pennsylvania for not voting sufficiently Hispanic:

A Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuit alleges that Hazleton, Pennsylvania’s city council elections violate federal law because not enough “Hispanic-preferred candidates” are winning – without defining what a Hispanic-preferred candidate is.


Here’s a working definition: Hispanic-preferred means Democrat-preferred.

The DOJ sued the majority-Hispanic town [last] Tuesday over its at-large election system in which voters across Hazelton vote to elect each district’s city council member, alleging it does not give Hispanics a fair chance at participation and violates a section of the Voting Rights Act that bans restricting voters based on race.

Unless Hispanics vote by race, they are racist. Meritless Garland manages not to choke on the irony.

Here’s why Democrats are sore:

“In the 2023 election for the city’s mayor, the incumbent Republican, Jeff Cusat, won in a landslide with 61% of the vote,” [former DOJ counsel Hans] von Spakovsky said. “The Democratic Hispanic who ran against him, Vianney Castro, received only 28% of the vote.”

Hazleton voted for former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016 but chose Republican President-elect Donald Trump in 2020 by 55% and in 2024 by 62%.

The city became majority Hispanic in 2016.

Looks like voters also chose countermoonbats for the school board:

Left-wing voting activists also sued Hazleton last year to change the school board’s at-large election system, alleging it is unfair to Hispanics and violates the same law the DOJ cites.

Like blacks, Hispanics are regarded as Democrat property. If they do not vote as they are told, lawyers are deployed.

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