BEWARE USA! Here is the ultra-secret takeover strategy that has always worked like a charm.


from State Of The Nation:

A Special Report and Urgent Warning
to the American People

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following excerpt was taken from this spot-on commentary which has several supporting links.

Trump’s domestic policies have been excellent. But they are meant to garner support for his foreign policy — esp. supporting the Greater Israel project — that will be unpopular.


He disingenuously says that Israel’s genocide of Gaza is “not our war: it’s their war” after sending Israel 2000 pound bunker-buster bombs. The US, and the West in general, is guilty of genocide and will NEVER live it down.  We are the new Nazis.

His threat to impose a 25% tariff on anyone who doesn’t respond to his demands is troubling. It is impressive that this threat made Colombia accept illegal aliens, but what happens if he starts to deport or imprison Israeli critics here in the US?

He pledges to protect free speech, but does anyone believe this will apply to the critics and resistors of Zionism?

He ends social engineering in the US Armed Forces so they can focus on their primary mission of defeating Israel’s enemies.

Trump sees Gaza from the point of view of a NYC developer. Great profit potential.

Trump has actually said: “Clean Out That Whole Thing” … meaning the people of Gaza.

Trump says he is asking Jordan and Egypt to take as many as 1.5 million Gazans in what would be an historic crime of ethnic cleansing, reports Joe Lauria.

“Almost everything is demolished and people are dying there, so I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing at a different location where they can maybe live in peace for a change,” Trump said.

Building housing “at a different location” means they will never return to Gaza. On Monday, speaking like the New York real estate mogul that he is, Trump referred to Gaza as “a phenomenal location.  That place has to be rebuilt in a different way,” he said.

Additionally, Netanyahu says ‘Trump gave him permission to return to war’.  Trump suggests ‘Cleansing’ Gaza and Far-Right Israeli leaders effusively approve.

Trump, who referred to Gaza as a “devastated place,” claimed to have discussed the idea with Jordan’s King Abdullah II and planned further talks with Egypt’s President Abdelfattah El-Sisi about accepting Palestinians.
(Source: Trump Prepares to Make Israel Great Again)

Now here’s a perceptive comment which further elaborates the extremely stealthy and deceitful strategy being employed by Trump’s well concealed Khazarian masters as they use him as their “Hitler of the 21st century”.

What’s the really critical point here?

Down through the centuries the Khazarian Cabal has utilized a particular stratagem that unfailingly throws everyone off their trail, until the Internet Era exposed it.

That stratagem has been used by the Zionist State of Israel with tremendous effect and extraordinary success and it goes like this:

Any entity under the sun — nation or corporation, university or NGO, organization or individual — is basically permitted to do anything they want to … … … AS LONG AS THEY THROW THEIR ARDENT AND ABIDING SUPPORT TO ISRAEL.

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