ALMIGHTY DOLLAR CONFIDENCE GAME: How it ends with the greatest sucker’s rally of all time


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: As always, our friends and fellow reality checkers at The Burning Platform nail it.  Inarguably, the following 2025 reality check for the USA is the most accurate and audacious on the Internet today.  You name it, TBP completely exposes the raw truths and radioactive facts about the state of the U.S. economy and finances.  With that said, it does appear that Trump was installed by his Khazarian masters specifically to usher the nation through the inevitable and epic bankruptcy of the US CORPORATION that has been looming since 2008.

What this TBP analysis underscores particularly well is that the true state of the union has, in fact, been extremely precarious for many years; but that didn’t stop the financial wizards and economic sorcerers from continually conjuring up the utterly fake illusion of “Everything’s okay and always getting better.” However, now that the National Debt well exceeds $36 trillion and rising at an ever-increasing rate, the day of reckoning has arrived.

Who doesn’t remember this once common big city street corner signage going back to the 1950s?

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