Will Nuke False Flag Keep Trump Out of Office – Steve Quayle


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is telling the public to brace themselves for the evil deeds that will be done to try to keep President Elect Donald Trump from taking office.  This includes a false flag nuke that will be blamed on Russia.  One side of government is trying to nuke America, and another side of government is trying to stop it.  This is what some say all the drone traffic is about.  Quayle explains, “A false flag is when you initiate an illegal act.  In this case, we are talking about the detonation of not only ‘dirty bombs’ but also nuclear warheads.  The rumors are there are active nuclear warheads. . . .They that hate Trump and want to literally destroy this country to save the majority of the Democrats and Republicans that appear to have an affinity for China.  That came out in the Australian News about how many US politicians are on the China payroll.”

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Lots of crime and treason have been going on in Washington D.C., and it only got worse in the Biden Administration.  The so-called Swamp is scared.  Quayle says, “They are scared because of the revelation that President Elect Trump is sending public signals that he’s going to clean house. . . . The bottom line answer is if you have sold out to the Chinese. . . . Our government was in collusion with the Chinese.  We funded (CV19) gain of function experiments that resulted in the deaths of people who were vaccinated . . . and participated in the knowing and willing destruction of American citizens. . . . A top Communist Chinese Party member said . . . with our bioweapon, we defeated the United States. . . .They are afraid because they know what they are guilty of. . . . President Trump has the goods on them — there is evidence.”

Quayle says there is another government group who is working to stop any false flag. Quayle contends, “They are going to use everything in their bag of evil tricks, including false flag nuclear detonations.  The Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST) are good guys, and they are working tirelessly.  They really want to stop this nuclear false flag,”

These people who are against Trump are both desperate and evil.  Quayle says, “They will do anything, including detonation of nuclear warheads in the US to stop Donald Trump.  These are soulless creatures. . . . Their sole purpose is to destroy mankind. . . . There is only one reason to provoke a nuclear war with Russia, and that is they don’t want Trump in office.  They are Luciferian, and they want a mass sacrifice of 250 million Americans.”

In closing, Quayle says to be on the lookout for the big lie coming in the future.  Quayle says, “The big lie is aliens created us . . . and there is no God. . .”

There is more in the 50-minute interview.

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