Was DoD the Managing Agency for Operation Warp Speed?


by Robert Malone MD MS, Who Is Robert Malone:

Pfizer did not commit fraud, but rather delivered the fraud that the US Government ordered

Quite a bit of controversy has been generated by those who assert that the Pfizer contract issued by the DoD for the Bio N Tech mRNA COVID “vaccines” proves that the DoD was the managing agency for the development of this product. The phrase “Pfizer did not commit fraud, but rather delivered the fraud that the US Government ordered” certainly has more than a grain of truth. In contrast, my understanding and analysis indicates that the leading proponents of the theory that this contract proves that DoD was the agency that managed operation warp speed appear to not have a full appreciation of the nuances, and have overstated the implications. The purpose of this essay is to help the general public to gain more insight into the back story of this non-Federal Acquisition Regulations contract, which employed a non-traditional federal contracting vehicle known as an “Other Transactional Authority” contract.

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If you really want to understand how the sausage gets made within the US Government with these big programs, I hope you will stick through this essay to the end.

Unfortunately, the two leading proponents of this theory of the case (Watt and Latypova) have seen fit to repeatedly personally attack both myself and my wife Dr. Jill Malone for years now as part of their advocacy of this interpretation, presumably because of my long history of working with the US Department of Defense in the Biodefense sector, and in particular with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate (DTRA CB), which is “dual-hatted” as the Joint Science and Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JSTO-CBD) under the Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP).

Some Relevant Bona Fides

Those who have followed me closely may recall that over two years ago I was the first to disclose that a different branch of DTRA, the Threat Mitigation Branch (based on Fort Belvoir, VA), was a major funder of the Chinese CCP/PLA Wuhan Institute of Virology, and so shared responsibility with NIH/NIAID for the funding which lead to the eventual release of SARS-CoV-2 into the world. The DTRA/Threat Mitigation Branch funding was provided in the context of the DTRA/TMB “International Cooperation” activities, which are focused on cooperative threat reduction. DTRA CB chain of command is separate from DTRA/TMB at the level I was interacting with them, and I had no knowledge of the WIV funding until I started asking questions of DTRA GS employees that I knew when it became clear that there had been USG funding of the WIV.

The DTRA Threat Mitigation Branch is headquartered at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and has personnel stationed at various locations worldwide. The branch is organized into several teams, including:

  • Research and Development: Conducts research and development in areas such as blast effects mitigation, counter-CBRN agents, and non-lethal effects.
  • Threat Analysis and Forecasting: Analyzes and forecasts emerging threats, providing strategic insights to inform DTRA’s counter-WMD efforts.
  • International Cooperation: Collaborates with international partners to reduce the threat posed by WMD and related materials, technologies, and expertise.
  • Operations and Training: Develops and conducts training exercises, and provides operational support for DTRA’s counter-WMD efforts.

Budget and Funding

The DTRA Threat Mitigation Branch receives funding through the Department of Defense (DoD) budget, with a focus on research and development, operations, and international cooperation. The branch’s budget is allocated across various programs and initiatives, including blast effects mitigation, counter-CBRN agents, non-lethal effects, and cooperative threat reduction.

One of the DTRA CB / JPEO CBD programs for which I served as a contractor was named “DOMANE,” and was envisioned and managed by Dr. David Hone, a GS-15 level government employee (GS-15 is basically the same rank as a brigadier general.) Dr. Hone and I came up with the concept of DOMANE during a discussion at my horse farm, but Hone developed and managed the program. Another character in this sordid affair who has written thousands of hate posts about me is George Webb, who repeatedly and ignorantly asserts that I was the director of DOMANE- as if a part-time contractor would be assigned to run a major DTRA CB drug discovery and repurposing program. At one point, in some web-based DOMANE communication, it was asserted that DOMANE should get credit for the development of Remdesivir- consequent to DTRA CB funding for the (failed) African clinical trials that tested use of Remdesivir for treating Ebola infection. On the basis of this, there emerged a cluster of haters (lead by George Webb) that assert that I was responsible for Remdesivir being approved for COVID. Just to say it, neither myself nor (to the best of my knowledge) DTRA-CB or the DOMANE program had any role in advancing Remdesivir for use to treat COVID. I understand that NIH/NIAID and Dr. Anthony Fauci, specifically, were responsible for this travesty, not DTRA CB, and certainly not me.

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