Trump’s Terribly Tyrannical Clusterf*ck Begins……


from State Of The Nation:

“The BRICS nations will be hit with 100% tariffs on their goods if they try to introduce a reserve currency to rival the dollar, US President-elect Donald Trump has warned.”

Really, how could any POTUS be so stupid as to threaten the largest Economic Union on Earth — BRICS plus many other allied nations — with a 100% tariff on all goods, especially in view of the imploding US economy after 4 catastrophic years of Bidenomics?!?!


The unparalleled and unrelenting inflation purposefully manufactured by Team Biden to forever decimate the middle class has already pushed prices of all good and services to stratospheric levels.  And now this across the board and across the planet tariff threat from Trump.  Really?!?!

Yeah, really stupid … as in stupidity on super steroids.

Yes, the first threat Trump issued against both Mexico and Canada was a very good move, but only because both of those enemies of the American people needed to feel some serious pain very quickly in order to shut down both borders to the quite deliberate illegal alien invasions staged by the NWO globalist cabal. See: Talk about a ten-thousand ton TRUMP-launched neutron bomb…..

However, the BRICS Alliance, along with their many affiliated Global South nations, is an entirely different story.  For example, the vast majority of those countries are extremely injured victims of America’s Almighty Dollar hegemony over many decades.

As a matter of historical fact, the US government has weaponized the Petrodollar against every single country that dared to leave the US-UK plantation since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  Fast forward to the Third Millennium and each successive U.S. administration has literally beat up every slave nation who so much as looked like they were asserting their independence from the Washington Consensus.

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