Trump Faces Quagmire of Economic Math – Bill Holter


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter has been warning of a slowing economy since the September Fed .5% rate cut.  If the economy was so strong, why cut rates?  Joe Biden is saying his Administration is leaving office with the “strongest economy in modern history.”  A recent FOX News poll says a big majority of voters think just the opposite about the economy with a whopping “77%” giving Biden “negative ratings” on the economy.  Huge unpayable debt and insolvency problems keep stacking up that are pointing to the much talked about “economic reset.”   The latest big warning sign comes from the Bank of England.  Holter explains, “For the Bank of England to say starting January 1 of 2025 that whenever they bail out an institution, they are not going to tell the public that that institution was bailed out.  That tells me that 2025 is the year of the ‘reset.’ Why would they say starting January 1st they are not going to tell you who they are bailing out?  Wait a minute.  Why would you need to bail anybody out?  Markets are at all-time highs.  You are telling us everything is great.  The financial markets are great.  The economy is great. Apparently, that’s bullshit, it’s not so great, and you feel the need to start bailing out institutions starting in 2025.”


When it comes to the Trump Administration cutting government spending with the newly created  Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), Holter sees a big problem.  Holter says, “If money doesn’t get borrowed and it doesn’t get spent, it doesn’t get into the economy.  The spending part is the important part. . . . Last year, the economy or GDP was roughly $29 trillion.  Cutting $2 trillion is about 7% of $29 trillion.  If you take that $2 trillion out, that is 7% of GDP that doesn’t exist.   So, instead of . . . 2% or 3% growth, subtract 7% from that and you have -4% or -5% growth.  That’s what we would have had since 2008.  If we were not running deficits, we would have been running a negative GDP economy.”

On the flipside, Holter contends that the debt can’t grow forever either because interest on the debt is more than $1 trillion a year and exploding higher every year.  Holter says, “Trump is not going to be able to come in and save the system because it’s just math.  He can come in and make whatever happens follow the rule of law instead of the rule of make it up as you go. . . . Trump is in a quagmire of mathematics, and the mathematics in this country is broke.  The whole financial system is a Ponzi Scheme that depends on deficit spending and increases in money supply or monetization.”

By the way, outgoing Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says she is “sorry” (NOT sorry) for creating $15 trillion in new debt during the Biden Administration.

Holter says the so-called economic reset will be in two stages.  Stage one will be banks will be bailed out, and then people will be bailed-in and lose their money in the bank.  Holter points out all the laws have been changed to make depositors unsecured creditors of the lowest level.  Same for people with stocks as the so-called great taking will take all shares out of your accounts.  The second stage will be the world will not accept digital dollars or any other crypto for payment for real things.  Holter says, “The world is going to demand real payment for real goods. . . . That’s when the price of everything resets.”

Gold, silver and other tangible assets, according to Holter, will reset higher, and most other things will reset lower—much lower.  Holter says, “This will be true price discovery.”

There is much more in the 56-minute interview.

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