This Town Just Banned American Flags and the U.S. Constitution at City Council Meetings


by William Upton, The National Pulse:

The town of Edison, New Jersey, has moved to prohibit so-called ‘props’—including American flags and the U.S. Constitution—at city council meetings, claiming their display is disruptive. The ban was enacted through a new local ordinance that also limits how long a resident can address the council.

Established after a nearly five-hour-long council meeting, many Edison residents contend the city government is attempting to stifle complaints about how their tax dollars are being spent and from voicing concerns regarding public safety. “To consider the American flag and the Constitution a prop when someone raises it is an insult to what the flag is, what the flag stands for, and what this country is,” Edison resident Maryann Hennessey said at the recent meeting where the council approved the ordinance. She continued: “For you to consider the use of the American flag a prop is disgusting.”


Another resident,  Joel Bassoff, was removed from the meeting after pulling out a small American flag and waving it while speaking before the city council members. “He is in violation; he can be removed,” ordered Council President Nish Patel, the sponsor of the ordinance banning the display of the American flag and U.S. Constitution.

In addition, the enacted measure bars residents from wearing costumes or masks without a medical reason. Speakers can also be removed if they’re deemed disruptive or too loud.

Other residents say they fail to understand why the council is punishing those living in the town at large when only a handful of individuals tend to disrupt their meetings. “It’s juvenile to fight this war; you’re losing. It’s just making people more agitated and more determined to do something to provoke getting thrown out. Let it go,” Edison resident Sue Malone-Barber said.


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