This is why the Neocon Zionists hate Assad so much!


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: No one has ever seen a global smear campaign like the one currently being conducted against President Bashar al-Assad.

Exactly why are the Zio-Anglo-American perps so determined to wreck and ruin Assad’s reputation forever?

Because it’s those real bad guys who are doing all the mass murdering in Syria right now, especially committing a highly organized genocide against the Christian communities throughout the entire Levant, that’s why!  As follows:

What follows is the well concealed back story that will never appear in the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.
State of the Nation
December 13, 2024

Syria’s Bashar al-Assad:
The Well-Hidden Back Story

How one man’s courage triggered the collapse of the
British-American Empire

Any head of state who tells the truth like President Bashar al-Assad is likely to be denounced before their country is invaded.

Syrian President Predictably Demonized By All The Usual Suspects

State of the Nation

Just how reviled is President Bashar al-Assad by the Western powers who maniacally push for regime change in Syria?

So reviled that the U.S. Intelligence Community has been disseminating the utterly absurd and obviously false accusation that “Assad created ISIS”.

Can the CIA-instigated whisper campaign get any more repugnant and ridiculous than that?

Historical record tells the true story

The Assad government has a well established history of treating the Syrian people well.  To hear the Syrians tell their story, Bashar al-Assad is nothing short of a living saint.  In fact, the effusive adulations of his presidency are as common as the accolades from those who know him personally.

Al-Assad’s wife Asma — who was once called “A Rose in the Desert” — is equally lauded for her noble leadership and virtuous qualities.  She is not only the beloved first wife of Assad, she’s also considered the mother of the Syrian people.  The following revealing article was written about her just before the Arab Spring was carried out by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis.

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