The Meaning of ‘The Unipolar World Order’


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Though there is a lot of talk and writing by scholars and journalists regarding “the unipolar world order,” there is very little from them about what that means; so, this will be the subject here.

The closest that I have seen to a discussion of this is by India’s largest online learning platform, “Unacademy.” It says that “the unipolar world order is the distribution of power in which only one state dominates the economic, social, cultural, and military influence over the globe.”


That definition is useless because each of its terms is so vague in meaning as to allow it to be either applicable or inapplicable to possible specific cases and therefore will give rise to fruitless debates that are really about words instead of about the actual world. This is how the ‘education’ industry works but not how a real social scientist does. A social scientist — like ANY scientist — studies the actual world instead of mere words about the world. That words-about-words-but-not-about-the-world can be scholarship, but it cannot be science.

Intead, “the unipolar world order” refers to a “world order” in which there exists a Government that is so powerful that it can and does violate international laws with impunity, or maybe is even so powerful as to do that routinely — routinely to get away with doing that. This is what “The Unipolar World Order” actually refers to. If this test is not met, then that phrase doesn’t apply to the real world, as we know it.

I wrote on December 16th, under the headline “America’s Gangster-Empire Destroying the U.N.”, documenting that the U.S. Government DOES routinely get away with violating international law (which comes ONLY from the U.N.), doing it with impunity. The renowned social scientist Jeffrey Sachs then called to my attention that “Part 3: Government Support to UN-based Multilateralism”, in Sustainable Development Report 2024, by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, ranks 193 couintries on their (Figure 3.1) “2024 Index of Countries’ Support to UN-Based Multilateralism,” and the U.S. Government came out dead last as being #193. This is yet further empirical confirmation of America’s having a gangster Government, which can and does routinely ignore international law, with impunity; and it is therefore yet more evidence that in the real world, at present, we do have a “Unipolar World Order.”

Individuals who want to keep it that way — to CONTINUE the U.S. Government’s impunity to international laws — are commonly called “neoconservatives,” and they control in Washington because America’s billionaires, or “Deep State,” who control the ‘Defense’ manufacturers, and the big pharmaceutical and healthcare corporations, and the big ‘charities’ or ‘non’-profits, and the ‘news’-media, and the lobbying firms, and the  billionaires-s‘elected’ Government officials, and their agents, hire neoconservatives, so as to continue America’s international-gangster-Government as controlling the world, for their profit, and for the publics’ loss.

Nor is this Government serving its OWN population, as I documented (also on December 17th) under the headline “GALLUP: Americans’ contempt for their government is one of the world’s highest.”

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