Scientific American Jumps Another Shark


from Moonbattery:

There are left-wing publications, there are goofy-left publications, then — out there in the farthest reaches of the moonbat fever swamps — there is Scientific American.

SciAm made a good case for Trump with its out-of-touch endorsement of Kamala Harris. Otherwise, it would be hard to find much use for a supposedly science-oriented publication that issues absurd Newspeak Dictionary updates, gins up hysteria over the weather, informs us that we like climate radicalismhypes drag queensracializes NFL injuries, equates failing to subject children to sex change procedures to Nazism, and even proclaims that sex organs are merely a social construct.


It will take more than dumping hebephrenically liberal Editor-in-Chief Laura Helmuth to restore credibility after this:

If beneficial CO2 emissions can create their imaginary climate catastrophe, why can’t feminist ideology cure it?

The apparent objective is to push moonbattery to the last extreme of absurdity. So don’t expect any scientific rigor or even basic logic:

As water, fuel and nutritious food are harder to come by and the health care needs of family members increase, women and girls have to spend more time on unpaid care work.


We need to move away from economies based on extraction and pollution, towards ones that are based on regeneration and care for one another and for the environment.

By “economies based on extraction and pollution,” they mean advanced capitalist countries like the USA. As a country to emulate, they point to miserably poor Bangladesh, where women toil wretchedly to the point of exhaustion but do so with culturally rich “traditional rural cooking methods.”

It doesn’t matter whether moonbats ride the global warming hoax, feminism, or whatever other woke hobbyhorse. In the end, moonbattery boils down to moonbattery — prominently featuring hatred of Western Civilization. Thus an article on how feminism can improve the weather features includes this:

[W]e must repair the impacts of environmental degradation—acknowledging that the Global North bears the largest share of responsibility for historical emissions—and guarantee not to repeat those harms.

For a while, liberals will keep reading Scientific American to affirm their crumbling worldview. A few countermoonbats will read it for laughs. Readership will dwindle until the oldest continuously published magazine in America is discontinued due to lack of interest. Degradation into farce followed by extinction is the fate of any institution that succumbs to moonbattery.

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