Russia Says Ukraine War Will End In Ukraine’s Surrender


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

On December 3rd in Russian and December 5th in English, RT News, which is owned by Russia’s Government, published an article, “Dmitry Trenin: How Russia plans to win in Ukraine”, which says that “For Moscow, anything less than full victory equates to defeat.” This means that there is no longer any possibility for negotiations regarding that war. And that means Trump’s promise to negotiate an end to it is no longer considered acceptable by Russia. It means that any U.S. President’s proposal to negotiate about the end of America’s now-ten-year-long war against Russia that’s being waged by Ukraine’s troops and U.S.-and-allied weapons and satellite intelligence in order to defeat Russia in the battlefields of Ukraine, will no longer be considered by Russia. Why is this so? He doesn’t explain.


Trenin provides no answer to this other than that, “The authorization [by Biden] to use US and British long-range missiles to hit targets in the Kursk and Bryansk regions [those are long-term unchallenged provinces of Russia itself — and so this was Biden’s authorization for Ukrainians to use U.S.-and-allied weapons to bomb Russia itself: it was directly America’s war to conquer Russia] is both a defiant challenge to Putin, and a ‘gift’ to the president-elect.” That’s vague language; it says really nothing except that Biden hates Putin — which everyone already knows — and it alleges (which no one knows) that it was Biden’s ‘gift’ to Trump (whatever that is supposed to mean).

One statement by Trenin that IS clear (and it is obviously also true) is “The conflict represents a direct, though proxy, clash between two nuclear superpowers in a region of vital importance to one of them.” (By that vague “one of them,” he obviously means Russia.)

As I documented in my December 3rd “The Outcome of The War in Ukraine”, America’s objective in this war is “conquering and absorbing Russia. It will be one way or the other: Russia will take all of Ukraine, or America will take all of Russia. I cannot see any other end to this war. For Russia, what is at stake is its very existence as an independent country; for its enemy, the U.S. empire, what is at stake is its continued dominance over the entire world [extending it to include ultimately Russia]. Those are the stakes, for each of the two sides.” For America, it is conquest; for Russia, it is survival. The U.S. Government took Ukraine in a violent coup in February 2014 so as to turn it into the base from which the U.S. Government will conquer Russia, and aims to complete that job.

For the editors (and publisher) of RT to publish “For Moscow, anything less than full victory equates to defeat,” is for it (them) to acknowledge that for Russia, “full victory” is one option, and “defeat” is the only other option: there is now no acceptable middle-course for Russia, in this war.

On October 10th, I headlined “Biden’s plan calls for WW3 to start after Election Day.”, and explained how crucial Biden’s decision after the November 5th election would be regarding allowing Ukraine to use U.S.-and-allied weapons to bomb The Kremlin (which is a mere 300 miles from Ukraine) would be. RT’s-Trenin’s vague language about “The authorization to use US and British long-range missiles to hit targets in the Kursk and Bryansk regions” might have been intended to say the same thing; but, in any case, that was the only reason they gave for coming out now to say that “For Moscow, anything less than full victory equates to defeat.”

On October 25th, I explained “Why Russia Will Likely Take All of Ukraine”, which is now something that Russia’s Government has, by publishing Trenin’s article, publicly committed itself to doing. It’s now publicly do-or-die for Russia.

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