by Frank Bergman, Slay News:
A world-renowned data expert has exposed the shocking number of sudden and unexpected deaths caused by the Covid mRNA “vaccines” around the world.
Leading Wall Street data analyst Ed Dowd revealed that up to 15 million people have now been killed by the injections globally.
Dowd is a former executive at the world’s largest investment firm BlackRock and is considered one of America’s leading data experts.
Through his expert analysis of insurance industry data, Dowd has become a prominent figure in investigations into the impact of the global Covid vaccination campaign.
Dowd is currently a founding partner with Phinance Technologies a global macro alternative investment firm.
The team at Phinance, which includes a handful of high-level scientists, data analysts, and financial experts, has been investigating surges in deaths and injuries following the Covid “vaccine” rollout.
During an interview with Bret Weinstein, former professor of evolutionary biology, Dowd dropped bombshell figures for the number of vaccinated people who have died suddenly and unexpectedly.
“So five billion people on the planet got a vaccine of some sort,” Down told Weinstein.
“If you apply the range of the death rate in the US that I gave you earlier, you get a range of globally 7.3 million to 15 million died from the vaccine.”
Dowd’s upper-range numbers align with figures produced by leading expert Denis Rancourt, a former professor of physics at the University of Ottawa.
Rancourt estimates that 17 million people have been killed by the Covid shots.
However, despite the alarming nature of the death toll figures, Down revealed that the situation is far direr.
Dowd continued by detailing the number of people left injured and disabled from the injections.