QUELLE HORREUR!! The French Government Has Just Been Toppled By The Far Right And Far Left, Where Does This Leave Our ‘Man Of Sin’ Emmanuel Macron?


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Is this the end for Emmanuel Macron? French president facing calls to RESIGN after gov collapses & he’s left looking for 6th PM

For nearly 8 years, NTEB has been tagging French president Emmanuel Macron for the spot of the biblical ‘man of sin’ for reasons laid out in our article on him being the Assyrian. At multiple junctures during this period, Macron has been brought to the brink of ruin time and time again, only to rise up from the ashes more powerful than he was before. Yesterday in France, the people who populate the rather lengthy list of his enemies conspired together to topple the French government, and down it has come. What happens now?

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Not being a prophet and possessing zero psychic ability, I can only guess like all of you can, but I will say this. There is ‘something special’ about Emmanuel Macron, and I think he will figure this very dire situation out in short order. But even if he does not, he will not be at the ‘end of the road’ as I feel he is foreordained to ‘higher office’. Right now, 64% of French citizens want Macron out, but I am betting he is not fazed in the least. Emmanuel Macron is a man of destiny, and he will come up with the answers. He always does. Besides, being president of France is only the first step.

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