New Jersey Drone Swarm Has Now Spread To California, Arizona And Kansas As Biden White House Says They Are Not Going To Do Anything About It


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

After a wave of large drone sightings in New Jersey, similar objects are now being spotted in the skies above Southern California, Oregon, Kansas and Arizona.

Our Podcast today on the drone situation answered a big question, that being is our government complicit in all this drone activity? The answer to that was a resounding yes. Our government is lying to us at every turn, denying and delaying any and all responsibility in solving this problem. Even our military has said that our fighter jets are no match for whatever those flying things are. Does anyone believe that? No, but this is the level of gaslighting we have fallen to.


Either the aliens have finally arrived, which we have warned about since 2020, or there is a coup underway in our government to prevent Donald Trump from being president in 38 days. But whatever conclusion you come to, think fast, because this drone swarm, this invasion of unknown flying entities, is growing and expanding quite rapidly. Here in Florida, we have twice now spotted what looks like a falling star but instead of dropping down it just streaks across the skies at hyper-speed.

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