Neocon who wants war with China says we must give up fast on Ukraine.


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Dr. Stephen Bryen, who has decades of experience at or near the top both of the U.S. Government and of its biggest armaments manufacturers, said on December 2nd that America is wasting its armaments in order to prolong the war in Ukraine so as to defeat Russia there, which is sapping our vitally needed weapons to Taiwan, which are much more needed there in order to get Taiwan to declare independence from China, so that China will invade its province of Taiwan in order to keep it, and America will then have enough military forces in that region (after reallocating there from Ukraine) so as to invade and conquer China:




I suggest reading that summary first. So, here it is:

Key Revelations:

[00:53] Game Changer – Russian missile hits targets at 15,224 mph with unstoppable force

[06:20] Bunker Killer – Missile turns underground facilities to dust without explosives

[10:02] Defensive Gap – U.S. Patriot systems useless against hypersonic threats

[08:25] Strategic Shift – All European capitals now within Russian strike range

[09:21] Capability Gap – U.S. attempted similar weapon; Lockheed program failed

[15:23] Intelligence Failure – U.S. knew about weapon but ignored implications

[19:51] Ukraine Reality – Ukrainian forces losing 1,000 soldiers per day

[24:48] Depleted Arsenal – U.S. weapons sent to Ukraine leaving Pacific allies exposed

[21:54] Negotiation Leverage – Putin seeks sanctions relief, not just military victory

[28:50] Warning Signal – Bryen urges immediate halt to escalation before transition

I would summarize it: Russia would defeat NATO in any non-nuclear war, and (at 18:29) “there’s a lot of corruption here” (or, as I had headlined on 2 August 2024, “America’s Military-Industrial Complex Too Corrupt to Win”) is the reason. (America alone spends more than ten times as much on its military than Russia does, and the entire NATO Alliance spends around 14 times what Russia does; so, since Russia can do more destruction to NATO than NATO can do to Russia, NATO is obviously far more corrupt than Russia is). So, the idea of America’s winning against Russia in Ukraine is ludicrous. And if the war goes nuclear, that would destroy the entire world but especially the U.S.-and-allied nations. Bryen is hardly the only Western military expert who acknowledges this, but the U.S. Government (including its stenographic press) denies all of it. (However, Bryen himself, as a neocon — says at 18:30: “I’m not saying the Russians aren’t corrupt; they probably are” — he fails to recognize that because Russia’s Government owns at least 51% of each of its military contractors, they serve the Government instead of control the Government as the ones in The West do; and, so, Bryen’s own retirement income comes FROM that enormous corruption, and the system in Russia is NOT designed this way; and, in any case, he simply ASSUMES “they probably are” as corrupt as America is.)

Then he says at 19:09, “We have important interests in the Pacific, protecting Japan, and Taiwan, and Korea, places like that.” To include Taiwan, which is a province of China — to ‘protect’ it from China if it declares independence from China — is insane (or else incredibly stupid); it is demanding war to expand our empire; but, this is the way that neocons think. Their ‘logic’ is illogic, loaded with false unquestioned assumptions. This makes them dangerous to the entire world.

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