Media Begins To Report That Bird Flu Luck Has Run Out


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The mainstream media has started reporting that the bird flu “luck” has “run out” for the United States. It says that it was only a matter of time before this virus made someone “severely” sick and caused emergency declarations.

And yet, most Americans still haven’t even experienced bird flu other than watching the cost of eggs skyrocket. It’s a lot like COVID-19 in that regard. No on noticed anything wrong until the mainstream media made sure that people took notice.

Now that the media is making sure the public knows of the bird flu and its “severity”, they can work on ginning up the fear the same way that was done with COVID.


The Atlantic writes that we should be fearful because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has now confirmed the country’s first severe case of human bird flu infection. The patient, a Louisiana resident who is over the age of 65 and has underlying medical conditions, is in the hospital with severe respiratory illness and is in critical condition.

This is the first time transmission has been traced back to exposure to sick and dead birds in backyard flocks. Meanwhile, California Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency after weeks of rising infections among dairy herds and people. In Los Angeles, public health officials confirmed that two cats died after consuming raw milk that had been recalled due to a risk of bird-flu contamination. –The Atlantic

H5N1 has always had the capacity to make human beings very sick. Most people understand that this could just be another plandemic, like COVID. It could also be something real and harmful that we will notice doing damage and harm to people, unlike the last pandemic hoax that was pulled.

Cats Could Be The “Vessels” Of The Bird Flu Plandemic

We have been warning that the ruling class, via their lapdog mainstream media, could turn this into the next plandemic whenever they decided the timing was right. Considering there’s a stockpile of millions of vaccines “just in case,” bird flu is the most likely virus to become the next panic.

Here It Comes: California Has Declared A State Of Emergency Due To The Bird Flu

Now that the media is upping the ante when it comes to fear, we should expect this virus to become a leading story, with mutations and variants, just like COVID-19 did. However, this one has rolled out a lot more slowly than the COVID-19 scamdemic.

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