Mass Illegal Immigration And Socialist Sanctuaries: The Middle Class Is Being Forced To Dig Its Own Grave And To Pay For Its Demise


by Fay Voshell, All News Pipeline:

God-kings who ruled over ancient civilizations and tyrannous authoritarians of modern times have utilized trusted means of achieving radical cultural change: the mass movement or genocidal elimination of peoples.

Whether it was Nebuchadnezzar’s deportation of Jews to Babylon or Mao Tse-tung’s employment of the “Down to the Countryside” program, designed to banish and reform bourgeois youths, the plans were designed to reconfigure the social structure of nations and peoples.

The mass migrations being experienced by the United States have been and still are being employed by the Biden/Harris administration as a tool to change America into a socialist entity, an effort that entails eliminating or severely curtailing the Jewish and Christian foundations of the West.


How is the socialist vision to be achieved in America?  It is to be achieved by open borders and the consequent influx of masses of immigrants and aliens from all over the globe.  Class warfare, a necessary ingredient of the socialist vision, is instantly achieved by mass immigration.  The divisions are more easily accomplished because most of the peoples illegally entering the country have mindsets and behaviors not informed or molded by our Republic’s constitutional and religious foundations.

The vision requires redistribution of the wealth of the capitalist middle class.  State and city governments are to redistribute wealth and power considered unjustly earned and hoarded by the middle class.  Farmers, who are regarded as the equivalent of kulaks, are to be dispossessed of their land.  Confiscated wealth, including monies for social services, is to be distributed according to “need.”

In short, hardworking middle-class taxpayers are being forced to pay for a societal transformation that exterminates their religion, their work ethic, and eventually their class.  The middle class is being forced to dig its own grave and to pay for its demise.

paper published in 1920 by Cal Berkeley Democrats includes an article, the title of which reflects the leftist lean of many American high institutions of learning.  “Reckoning with Socialism and Immigration Policy: Abolishing the American concept of citizenry” reveals the goals of the left now ensconced in the nation’s universities.  Penned by Tessa Stapp, the piece outlines with exactitude the socialist policies carried out by the Biden/Harris administration over the last four years — policies defiantly continued by Biden even during the current “peaceful” transition to the incoming Trump administration.

Ms. Stapp wrote,

The truth is, socialism and open borders are exact compliments, requiring a different framework of policy building and different conceptions of citizenship. … For socialism and open borders to co-exist, the United States must actively shift citizenship rights from being rooted in property [houses and land] to being rooted in community. … In this forward dream, open borders are enacted, and socialist benefits are given to those through community-based programs.

She adds, “Those that choose to be industrious and earn above that needed to survive comfortably in society would pay higher taxes, to ensure all are giving according to their ability.” (Italics mine.)

Ms. Stapp’s language, including the phrase “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” was popularized by Karl Marx.  It is a core belief of communist ideology that basic needs are to be provided to all, regardless of contribution to society at large.  Monies, material goods, and services are to be provided, most often by the “rich,” who have what socialists consider more than is needed for basic survival.

America’s blue cities have been the Petri dishes cultivating socialist schemes.  Now those schemes have been extended to all states by the Biden administration’s open border policies.  America is to be the sanctuary nation for the entire world, its wealth redistributed to peoples from other nations.

The high-minded term “sanctuary” implies that within the city or state, innocent and oppressed peoples may find safe house, sealed off from the supposed predations and oppression of outside authority figures like ICE.  But the reality is that sanctuary cities and states are not places of refuge, but are leftist bastions inherently detrimental to both America and to the peoples who seek refuge therein.

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