John Kerry: Africans Without Solar Panels Should ‘Choose the Right Kinds of Electricity’ If They Want Power


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

President Joe Biden’s former “climate czar” John Kerry has claimed that Africans without electricity only have themselves to blame because they should have installed solar panels.

Kerry argues that Africans struggling to cope without power should pick “the right kinds of electricity.”

He continued by warning that the world is battling a “climate emergency.”


The former secretary of state continued by insisting that citizens in third-world nations need to get on board with green energy if they want to survive “global warming.”

Kerry made the comments at a speaking event at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics on Thursday.

He spoke at the event after the 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) concluded last week.

Kerry told the audience that “people in Africa” who are without power “need to choose” alternatives to fossil fuels.

He suggested that Africans should “choose” solar power if they want electricity.

“People in Africa who don’t have electricity need to choose the right kind of electricity,” Kerry said.

He then added that American taxpayers should “help” Africans to make the “right” choice regarding their energy sources.

“We need to help them be able to afford it and do it,” he said.

Kerry noted that the U.S. has the biggest economy on Earth, with China in second place.

However, he failed to mention that China is by far the largest polluter in the world.

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