Jesus Revealed Cataclysmic Events That Happen In The Tribulation To A Woman Named Elizabeth Nebenfuhr During A Near Death Experience


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

God has been warning us over and over again about what is ahead.  Why is most of the population not interested in listening to such warnings?  Recently, a woman named Elizabeth Nebenfuhr reached out to me about a near death experience that she had as she was laying on an operating room table.  She had shared some of this information before, but she felt that now was the time to share her experience in a more detailed way.  I asked her to write out what she saw while she was dead, and she has given me permission to share it with all of you.  Please share this testimony as widely as you can, because I believe that it is important.


During her time with Jesus, Elizabeth witnessed cataclysms that are far beyond anything that any of us have ever experienced, and she saw that they would just keep hitting one after another.  It will be a time of tremendous terror and death.  People won’t have time to deal with the consequences of one disaster before another one strikes.  Elizabeth was truly horrified by what she was shown, but Jesus also had some very encouraging words of comfort as well.  The following is Elizabeth Nebenfuhr’s testimony in her own words…


I had two NDE’s this one I speak of here now and another 9 months later again on an operating table (I will discuss that one again as well at a later date).

I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer in the summer of 2004 which then began the battle, followed by a very radical mastectomy of my left breast, It was a aggressive treatment that was also in need of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation.

After the first year and a half I was met with another challenge during my recovery, I began to experience excruciating pain that brought me to a place of begging God to please take away the pain, so much damage had been done to my nerves, muscles, tendons and joint of the arm that was given chemotherapy (before placement of port in chest), that anytime I reached out or reached up I was in agony.

All I wanted to do was praise Him with both lifted arms again without severe pain.

I prayed for healing and did everything I could to the point to where I couldn’t take it anymore?

Surgery was inevitable.

I had had many surgeries before, and remember I had my mastectomy already so I was fully trusting God that He would take care of me through this journey as well.

I have shared the testimony of my souls encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ, as my body lay on operating room table, I stood with the Lord.

I will include links to testimonies in comment section if you would like to listen and share.

Our precious LORD told me many things and I’ve shared those things with whoever would listen, on blog talks, podcasts and YouTube ministries as well as my own FB live.

He told me I had to go back and tell His children the things He told me and showed me.

He told me to ‘Tell His children, tell His people , tell is church (just like that) that He loves them and He’s coming back very soon, but before He comes back there are things they must do and things that must happen.”

I told Him ‘they will not listen or believe me…

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