Fighting Back Against Trans Ideology Just Because It Has Become Politically Convenient Does Not Make Squishy Politicians Into Heroes


by William Sullivan, All News Pipeline:

On November 19, House Speaker Mike Johnson was met by an eager press to get a statement on a resolution by Rep. Nancy Mace that would require gender-specific Capitol and House facilities to be used only by those of the corresponding biological sex.

Mace brought this resolution forward in response to the election of a representative from Delaware named Tim McBride, who now goes by the name of Sarah while pretending to be a woman.

A reporter asked Johnson a simple question as to whether freshman-elect Sarah McBride is a man or a woman.


“Look, I’m not going to get into this,” he said, smirking as if the question was of no importance at all.  New members will be welcomed, he assured the reporters, and everyone would be “treated with dignity and respect.”

“I’m not going to get into silly debates about this,” he continued.

For the last five to ten years, a Republican could easily have gotten away with a non-answer like that while insulting the bulk of his constituents who happen to think this particular debate is important.  After all, given that there has been a social crusade against the broad majority of Americans who recognize the simple truth that a man cannot become a woman because he puts on a dress and pretends to be one, most Republicans today aren’t willing to accept that kind of dithering to such a simple and fundamental question.

Within a few hours, after being excoriated on social media for his cowardice, Johnson conveniently found a microphone to proclaim loudly to the press that his perceived waffling was due to his having “rejected the premise” of the question, given that “the answer is so obvious.”

“Let me be unequivocally clear,” he said, “a man is a man, and a woman is a woman.  And a man cannot become a woman.”

Johnson finally got the memo from the American public, and he did the right thing.  He openly and clearly advocated for the truth, even though it would have violated every politically correct instinct that he would have had in the past decade to say what he finally said.

Mike Johnson was forced into this position by Nancy Mace, who has newly fashioned herself as a firebrand in the transgender debate.  But she wasn’t always so committed to the truth in regard to this issue.

A little more than a year ago, she fashioned herself as a “pro-transgender rights” politician.  You might be wondering what that means, considering that “transgender” people are clearly afforded all the same rights as other Americans under the Constitution and American law.  What she meant at the time, according to her, was that:

If [children] wanna take on a different pronoun or a different gender identity or grow their hair out, or wear a dress or wear pants, or do those things as a minor – those are all things that most people would support…

They may decide as an adult, ‘Hey, instead of Johnny, I want to be Jill,’ – that’s OK, but let them figure that out and make that decision when they can consent.

Well, Tim McBride has decided to become Sarah McBride, and Nancy Mace suddenly isn’t comfortable with that arrangement of trans people just “figuring it out,” even well beyond the age of consent, when it comes to which bathroom he should be welcome to use.

What happened with these two politicians?  Did they suddenly grow a spine and determine that speaking truth and doing the right thing was more important than toeing that line between placating the woke mob and angering normal, everyday Americans who can plainly see the truth, and don’t appreciate being gaslighted on this subject?

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