Experts Warn Imminent ‘False Flag’ in London Will Be Blamed on Russia


    by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

    The British government is planning to launch a ‘false flag’ terror attack in London, which will be blamed on Russia and used as an excuse to start World War 3, security experts warn.

    Security author Alex Krainer says that after watching a YouTube video entitled “Why are ALL LONDON webcams offline…?“, he began researching what the UK’s intelligence services were up to.

    TRUTH LIVES on at reports: I was nearly floored: Mr. Houston looked through hundreds of Webcams across London and could not find a single one that was live. See for yourself here and here! That’s extremely odd: clearly, someone made the decision to switch them all off – they couldn’t all have failed randomly.

    One of the webcams over the Westminster bridge displayed the last image it recorded: it was on 2 September 2024 at 16:51, which at least gives us a clue about when the Heart of Darkness went dark to the world. I posted a comment about this in my TrendCompass report yesterday and one of the readers found a working Webcam at Abbey road. Still, that’s one out of hundreds that are still dark.

    Why someone would decide to cut all the webcams is a mystery, and an ominous one. Mr. Houston didn’t offer any explanations, which is understandable given that he lives in Britain where singing, “kung fu fighting,” or silently praying on the sidewalk can get you arrested. But where he declined to tread, I’ll venture a guess.

    They’re planning a false flag event to blame on Russia

    I think it’s the only explanation that makes any sense to my mind: they are planning a false-flag terror attack on London which they’ll blame on Russia, so that they can trigger an all-out, whole-of-society mobilization by all of the Western powers against Russia. Now, if this seems far-fetched, there are now several important elements that fit coherently with this scenario, starting with the general geopolitical state of things.

    Western empire and the UK in particular, bet heavily on Ukraine and lost. By now the situation has become as undeniable as it is hopeless. But Western powers aren’t showing any inclination to cut and run, like they did from Vietnam in March of 1972 or Afghanistan in August 2021.

    Today, the West is facing the world’s largest nuclear power with an established escalatory dominance in the region and a highly motivated, well trained, battle hardened and well equipped force, including with new, devastating conventional weaponry that eclipses anything the West has in its depleted arsenals. In spite of that, they are still escalating. The question is, why?

    In Ukraine, the whole world’s at stake

    Ukraine is too important for them and the stakes could not be higher. From the imperial cabal’s point of view, the prize, in fact, is the whole world. In his paper, “Democratic Ideals and Reality,” Sir Halford Mackinder wrote that, “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-island; who rules the World-island controls the world.

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