Drones: The Big Hubbub Of The Month – I Have Seen Videos, Still Photos And Read Many Contradicting Stories, Thereby Proving That The Truth Is Being Covered Up Big Time


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

Let’s start this one off with one of my favorite openings by using Merriam-Webster, ok?

hubbub    hub·bub ˈhə-ˌbəb 

1noise, uproar

2confusion, turmoil

The Cambridge Dictionary adds an important qualifier, or rather, more implicit meaning, and that is “loud noiseespecially caused by a lot of people all talking at the same time” and “mixture of continuing noises producing a feeling of busy activity or confused excitement”.

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I like that definition as it hits square on target of what this column actually covers; a huge hubbub of noisy voices with confused excitement. You will see what I mean as we continue with this one; it is actually funny in many ways.

The current story de-jour is all about some damned drones.  Or is that unidentified aerial phenomena – hard to say I suppose.  After having read through a few dozen stories and watched nearly as many videos on them, I have come to the conclusions (note the plurality of conclusions) that first, there are many different UFO’s that they are combining into one unknown mystery, and second that it seems to be a planned story getter to distract from what disastrous schemes are being pursued that must be kept from the masses to keep them from total panic mode.  Not to say that the drones themselves are causing any panic; nay, that seems the whole point of their exercise (whoever the hell “they” are).

Let’s tackle the first item to begin with, and that is what drones or UFO’s or UAP’s are they really talking about.  Looking at the descriptions and photos and video clips, there are far more than one thing knocking about – I almost said “up there” but then remembered that they also fly around underwater.  There are obvious commercial sized drones such as the one that was shot down that was a Walmart delivery test vehicle with its package drop link hanging down.  Those fly around in a number of test markets making deliveries of product with others being tested and considered by other companies for things like small food deliveries, pharmaceutical deliveries, and so forth as they are quick, not dependent on roadways, and seemingly safe from traffic accidents (but not from being shot down).

Then there are the smaller commercial versions that are used for hobby, sport, aerial displays (think July Fourth) and such.  And then some are military observation and even weaponised versions already used in a few areas of this world today.  We are speaking primarily of the basic multiple rotors that keep them aloft and also used for propulsion style drone, but can also include remote controlled helicopter style and winged drones.  They are all fairly commonplace and have been since radio controlled model aircraft have been popular since the 1950’s.  Various law and peacekeeping agencies form local cities to federal intel agencies use them and have used them for a number of years now and do not forget the intelligence surveillance balloons have been used for even longer.

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