Don’t Stop Prepping Just Because Trump Won – The Biden Regime Continues To Foment World War III, Ignores A Drone Invasion Of The U.S., And Has Allowed Any Army Of Illegals Into America


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

While conservatives are justifiably relieved that there will not be a Kamala Harris presidency, the low percent of Americans that can be considered long-term preppers, those that can survive long in a disaster scenario, or the event of America being directly drawn into a fighting war, whether here in the U.S. or across the globe, shouldn’t be so relieved that they stop preparing for the worst while hoping for the best.

The actual percentage of preppers in America is almost impossible to truly gauge, since some will self-identify as a prepper if they can survive a ‘snowmageddan‘ storm, and a lack of electricity for a week or so. In the event of a prolonged need to survive with just what you have in your home, that small percentage of Americans prepared, gets much smaller.


Granted there are some who do not want to live in a post-nuclear World War III, but survivors after an attack, will indeed need to survive in the aftermath.

I focus on war because America is inserting itself to a number of conflicts, which makes it more likely that some hostile nation is going to directly attack the U.S.

With that said, war isn’t the only dangers to American, or our nation’s national security, from these recent drone sightings all over the place, to the millions of illegal immigrants that have crossed our border, many of which from countries hostile to America, and “coincidentally” most are fighting-aged men.

We literally have an army of foreigners within our borders, meaning there could be sleeper cells waiting for instruction to activate.



Drones, from New Scientist:

Mysterious drones have been swarming the night skies above New Jersey and other nearby states for a month. They have been spotted over several US military sites. They have been videoed over houses and apartment buildings. A swarm was seen following a US Coast Guard rescue boat at the same time that New Jersey police reported 50 drones arriving on land from the ocean. But no one seems to know who is piloting them, or whether it is a coordinated effort.

The incidents have drawn the attention of state governors and legislators, as well as members of the US Congress, and the FBI has launched an investigation, asking for the public to report sightings.

Witnesses describe the drones as being as loud as lawnmowers, with some approaching the size of a small car – significantly larger than a typical quadcopter or multirotor drone that anyone can purchase. “These are not necessarily just small, hobbyist unmanned aerial systems that you can buy for $2000,” says Daniel Gerstein at the RAND Corporation, a think tank in California. “These feel like they have longer range and are more sophisticated than what you can get at a hobby shop.”



In the video below a clear image of one of these overly large drones is shown during the interview where where Biden White House spokesman John Kirby attempts to downplay the significance of this “drone invasion.”

Despite Kirby’s claims to the contrary about trying to get to the bottom of this disturbing issue, the Biden regime doesn’t even seem capable of following these drones to the point of origin to see who, or what nation, is behind this obvious national security threat. If they have done so, they certainly aren’t being truthful with the American people.

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