DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccines Up to Four Times Legal Limits, Study Finds


by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

The peer-reviewed study published this week also found SV40 DNA contaminants in the vaccines, and the researchers also determined that the spike proteins produced by the vaccines persist in the body longer than claimed.

Researchers found DNA in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines at levels three-to-four times higher than regulatory limits, according to a new “bombshell” study.

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“This far exceeds the maximal acceptable concentration of 10 ng [nanograms] per clinical dose that has been set by international regulatory authorities,” the authors wrote.

The peer-reviewed study, published this week in the journal Science, Public Health Policy and the Law, also found simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA contaminants in the vaccines. And the researchers determined that the spike proteins produced by the vaccines persist in the body longer than claimed.

The findings led the authors to call for “an immediate halt of all RNA biologicals.”

Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D., senior research scientist at Children’s Health Defense (CHD), told The Defender that DNA contamination may contribute to the increase in autoimmune diseases among the vaccinated. “The immune system operates on very sensitive detections to initiate responses,” he said.

“DNA suddenly deposited into your bloodstream could kickstart the interferon response,” Jablonowski said. “The interferon response, when there’s nothing to find but ‘self,’ could be the springboard for autoimmune disease.”

The study also showed that the spike proteins produced after vaccination persist in the body for at least seven days following vaccination instead of the shorter period Pfizer-BioNTech previously claimed. The spike proteins are also prone to shedding.

These results “raise grave concerns” about mRNA vaccines, the study concluded.

Kevin McKernan, founder of Medicinal Genomics, is the first scientist who identified the presence of SV40 in the mRNA vaccines. He called the new study “a tour de force on the DNA contamination topic.” McKernan wrote about the study on Substack, and said in an X post that the study’s authors “knocked it out of the park.”

Immunologist and biochemist Jessica Rose, Ph.D., agreed. “This paper is the paper of the century. The paper is not only a work of art in terms of the study layout. It is very well-written and settles ongoing ‘issues’ pertaining to allegations made by regulatory bodies that the DNA contamination issue is misinformation,” Rose said.

Dr. Angus Dalgleishprofessor of oncology at St George’s, University of London, told The Defender the study “diligently used techniques proving that these samples contain large amounts of DNA” and that “these samples easily enter and express in a known kidney cell line used as a standard to examine these phenomena.”

The new study follows the recent publication of a peer-reviewed paper in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, identifying serious safety concerns in the mRNA COVID-19 shots. The authors of that study called “at minimum” a moratorium on the shots.

The papers join a growing list of scientists and organizations calling for a ban on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. They include Florida’s surgeon general, the Association of American Physicians and SurgeonsDoctors for COVID EthicsAmericans for Health Freedom and the World Council for Health.

In October, Idaho’s health board voted to stop offering COVID-19 vaccines at its 30 clinics because of safety concerns. Also that month, the Slovak government issued a report proposing a ban on “dangerous” mRNA vaccines.

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