Dem Rep. Gottheimer: Feds Not Giving Public Enough Information on Drones


by Pam Key, Breitbart:

Representative Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Ana Cabrera Reports” that the federal government needed to brief the public about the mysterious drones flying over New Jersey.

Gottheimer said, “There’s no reason in my mind, based on what they analyzed, there’s any credible threats to public safety at this time. And that I feel good about based on what the FBI has briefed me on. That said, the hundreds of sightings or more that we’ve received in New Jersey, the phone calls I’ve received, the images, Andy Kim, who’s a senator now in New Jersey, said that he has seen them himself, he just posted something about that, right, so clearly there’s something going on out there. And what’s driving me crazy, and I think a lot of my colleagues in the state government and, of course, federally, is that the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, who are chiefly responsible for monitoring and being aware of what’s up in the skies is not giving us a public briefing, giving us enough information, telling us exactly where these drones are coming from, who’s sending them up. You know, are they all unlicensed and unregistered? What are they? And I think people deserve to know, which is why, of course, when you don’t have any information people get rightly anxious about it.”


He continued, “I’ve called on the FBI to immediately with DHS brief the country, brief New Jersey on what’s going on.”

He added, “That’s what I’ve called them on to do, come clean, come forward, tell the public. I’ve introduced legislation to this effect we want to make sure that you don’t have drones flying over any place they shouldn’t be.”

Gottheimer concluded, “At this time there’s no threats to public safety but I’ll reiterate again, I understand why you want answers and I think the federal government, the FBI and Homeland Security, owe those answers. That’s my message, don’t worry, right, but let’s make sure that we get the answers of what this is.”

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